remember that for old UI’s you need to update XML files by clicking UPDATE UI XML at bottom of AOC UI INSTALLER… but always use StrangeUI RECOMMENDED, it’s better.
/!\ IMPORTANT NOTE /!\ IF YOU USE STRANGEUI KEAIRA’s nude main menu, you risk BAN OF TWITCH like i just got … SO TAKE CARE !!! SEE THIS TOPIK :
added some olders UI like Mirage, Stonerune, there is also an old “Strange ui 4K” i found here but it lacks some STRANGE UI 2019 options, but its maybe good for 4K… try if u want,
Thanks for your work. And, of course, the developer and all the updaters.
Are they all - or at least ‘Strange UI’ - compatible with the current features of the game? Meaning things like the ‘bagdes’ features, etc.
Also, does it have the feature of hiding the second hand weapon, like ‘DefaultUIEnhanced’? It was my favorite custom UI, but since they come up with the ‘badges’ and other current features which it didn’t support, I had to let it go.
Never found the ‘hiding second hand’ feature again, and Funcom doesn’t put it in the game, no matter how much I beg.
You could compare the files by hand in notepad++ and manually add the missing lines to your current UI. That is how I fixed my current custom 4K Strange UI to accommodate for onslaught options etc.
And on this note, I’m going to steal the “hide power weapon” line and add it to my UI
Thanks For the reply Biglouis. I’ll probably do as you suggested. I already tried once playing with the XML file. Didn’t have much luck then, but maybe I’ll try it again.
@Saranka i had an issue last year with a 2018-LIKE STRANGE UI, as casual, there were pvp badges on npc, but took the best STRANGE UI i could, and some players have badges shown in their names but dunno if its a feature, as im just a noob that try to put text bigger for 1440p and who likes to help.
pCloud L’activité hebdomadaire de vos liens de partage Votre lien de partage avec la meilleure performance a été AOC avec un trafic de 1.2 GB et 135 téléchargements.
That is not coming back. It used the vanity weapons ability before they were actually implemented by Funcom. And they didn’t allow to hide weapons like you can hide an armor piece.