Hi all, don’t know if there is a post like this.
But ATM there is a lot’s of Fan website about our game with Tips, Strat, Vid …Etc.
And i want to list them all on this post ! I will made something like : Name : Link : Why i use this site
To stay update, please feelfree to help me to adds news site/forum for all (On repply and i’ll add it) ( Thanks to French & German ppl to help me on this too )
English web-site :
- Joharaoc : Joharaoc website/ ( Feat, Achivement, T5 rune & way more)
- Aocisbetterthantv : Aoc way more better than TV(Armory, Ui, Forum, cool map from Onyx …)
- Cynara : Cynara Blog (Stuff, Strat, Vanity, Stat …)
- Henryx : Henryx blog/ (Stuff, Strat, Vanity, Stat …)
- Sealladh : Sealladh Recipe location (Some Recipe location & old stuff)
- AoC-Fandom : Fandom (Some oldstuff & craft info)
- Infyrna : Infyrma Decoration (Screenshot of all City Decoration)
- Recipe : Recipe (a GoogleSheet, with a lot’s of cool thing for crafter)
- Funcom : Old Forum (Still usefull)
- FC-Forum : Post about Strange UI in Funcom-Forum (May intresting for Strange UI users)
- Lenely’s : Lenely’s Blog (Found some script & other little thing)
- Funcom-Forum : Sunstar List (Topic on forum with listing of usefull topics & some site / blog)
- Pvplvlup : Aoclvlup (community built and driven pvp content for Fury)
- Assassin Hideout : Assassin’s Hideout (Not update, but still lot’s of cool revue, post on all thing)
- Dougsblug : Dougsblug Site with template for all class (WIP)
- Update Waypoint : Update Yorgmir From the french site but in English - Update of some waypoint for Strange UI users (Kutch - SGP - Halloween)
- Some UI : Lot’s of UI Same as upper link on page, found lot’s of UI (around 6 - just click on the link and you get a drive with UI & UI manager)
- Bebot : Bebot BeBot is a usefull guild and raid management system for Ao & AoC
- Requiem Nex combat Monitor : RN CM Usefull parser for AOC, (game in english only)
- English version of “Francophonie” : English version of “Francophonie” (Calendar for event, mount, pet info, script … and lot’s of intresting thing)
French Web-site
- Francophonie : French community website (update of Yorgomir’s map (ENG-FR), Guide, Emblem calculator …)
German Web-site
- Funcom : Old Forum (Still usefull)
- Funcom-Forum : German Website Listing (Topic on FC-Forum on German site / blog …)
Other - Youtube Chanel
- Mori : Mori-Vid (Some nice vid of timer, t5 & t6)
- Nious : Nious Vid (Pve T6, Timer, Challenger, a bit of pvp)
- Honey : Honey Vid (Lot’s of Dung / raid vid)
- Henryx : Henryx Vid (Some dung, Quest, lore …)
- Spreadicus : Spread Vid (Mostly pvp)
- Eldergamer Girl : EldergamerGirl Vid (AoC serie vid - leveling/Quest)
- Владислав Соболев : Владислав Соболев Vid (Mostly Pvp in russian i think)
- Random AoC Stuff : Вergamen-vid (Mostly Pve challenge & tips)
- Webarbarian : Webarbarian-vid (Mostly Pve & tips)
Other - Twitch Chanel
- Funcom : Funcom Offi (All FC game, sometimes AOC)
- Junsama : Twitch-Junsama (Mostly Pve, raid - kutch)
- DoctorPiPii : Twitch-DoctorPipi (a bit of everything)
- CChunter : Twitch-CcHunter (German - Mostly Pve)
- Spreadicus : Twitch-Spreadicus (English - Mostly PvP)
- Halfdead : Twitch-Haldeadr (English - Our beloved Halfdead <3 ??? Mostly PvE)
Other - Artworks & Thing from AOC
- Artsworks : Arts from Game (Lot’s of Arts - Concept Art from AOC (weapon, character, Dungeon …Etc, usefull for adds to site/blog/forum)
- All BO from Game : Emmanuel Aquin YT BO (All the music from the game - links from one playlist there is another just for all Kithai music/ambiance …Etc)
- Facebook Group : The Great AoC unchained FB group (A FB group with more than 5k member, lot’s of intresting thing pass on dat group)
Thanks to all those ppl wo made those website / blog, to keep alive the game we love !
Stay safe, Stay in Hyboria !
Added YT chanel section
Add new link : Dougsbulg - Waypoint Update - UI List & DLL -
Remove : DoomDealer Link Not working anymore
Added Twitch / Streamer section
Added Arts section
Added new YT channel
Added some new YT channel
Added Archive for old links for memory
Added the AOC-UC FB group
Archive : don’t work anymore :
- DoomDealer (Off since 12/2020) : DoomDealer Date base of quest, NPC …
- Vanity Armor (seems offline @11/19/23) : Guilding Vanity Website with all GP Vanity set for both gender
- Age of Conan Petiton : AoC petition – Closed –