Welcome to the new forums! Feel free to use this thread to test out your comments and get a feel for how it works. Introduce yourself! What’s your favorite class? Are you a returning or new player? Have you tried out the Saga Server? What really is Conan’s age??
Let us know also how you like these forums or if you feel something should be changed or added.
Not really ideal to need to edit the page myself all the time. And yeah, I know there are tools and extensions that can be used to make permanent changes to certain sites, I just don’t want to go through the effort of styling these forums myself.
I looked and there are no alternative themes implemented for the forums.
It might grow on me, but I still like the old forum design better. Also interesting to note, I’m pretty sure your post appeared automatically without me having to refresh the page. That is a nice feature.
we’ll keep these old forums open until February 14th. They will be locked and archived after this date, but available to visit and look through if you wish. We’ve moved important information over to the new forums already, but if you believe there is anything missing or threads you want moved over to the new forums that should be added, please let us know!
Ok, so there is no easy way to access it, I have to come here and follow that link.
Next questions:
Where are the german and the french forums?
Where is “any” important information that was moved over? You do not really expect us to copy all the important threads and posts for newbies, the tracking threads etc. over, AGAIN??? Do you???
create new threads just linking to the old archived ones
At least this time the old forums will stay viewable and won’t just be deleted.
I also really don’t like how hyperlinked text appears as plain text. It doesn’t get underlined or coloration or anything.
Edit 2:
Looking at Melcom’s post up above, he had one link that actually appears blue. In another post his link looks like plain text. Not sure what is up with that.
This also let me to notice we can’t properly quote a person’s post in such a way as to preserve links or to view their code.