3 months to deal with land claim griefing complaint and the griefers didn't get in trouble?!

I am a bit frustrated… had a clan griefing us by placing a foundation to impede our build. 3… THREE months after the complaint was filed, Funcom took action. They deleted the block which I was glad for, but the clan didn’t get in trouble. They’re still logging in without issue. I have to be honest, I’m pretty disappointed in this. This isn’t the first time this clan has been reported for it, either.

Has more than a day passed since the foundation deletion? Suspensions don’t take effect until the next server restart, perhaps they will be gone come tomorrow.

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Curious about this too.

They do not have the manpower to take care of the reports. I bet the amount has grown conciderably after Funcom decided to up the rates to 4 on officials, makes it so easy to spam foundations everywhere. On one of the servers i played someone filled almost two squares of the map with walls and nothing was done to them for weeks.

Yes, it’s been almost a week. They are still playing as if nothing happened.

I can appreciate that they are under heavy volume… but I don’t appreciate Funcom not enforcing their own rules. They took action, and it was half ass at best. it’s frustrating.

or you could have just removed the landclaim with dragon powder. jugs and tar

A single foundation takes an hour or so to decay. Something doesn’t add up.

Maybe infractions time-out if there is not enough infractions/data made to warrant action, yet. :confounded:

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