Hello guys,
I want to share my today experience with purge and ask you about your opinions and experiences. Right now I feel fed up, because once again there is no guarantee the given tier of purge will be always the same difficulty in reality.
The numbers just give us some misty idea about what kinds of attackers to expect, and how long the purge will probably last. But that’s it, everything else will be rather easy, intermediate or very hard.
So to the point:
I managed to go fluently through 9 of 10 summoned purges (level 8) with just 6 defending thralls on level 20 and in full gear. None of them suffered a scratch, the progress was fluent and easily managable. The siege camps spawned several times very far away, the rest of purges moderately close, and only once really few meters from my base.
In most of the cases of previous purges the attackers were a mixture of conscripted prisoners and competent fighters. In the last purge not only the camp spawned that close, but there were no prisoners. The commander was sending wave after wave of the strongest fighters and me and my defenders were not able to catch up with this tempo. When half of them was dead, they were already sending another wave.
Not to mention the demolishers destroyed almost whole building with coffer meanwhile, cause I was not able to help my thralls and defend the treasure at the same time.
So even with the utmost trying, I lost half of my active defending manpower during this last purge, and now I am asking: What is this about if we never know, how it will be next time? How come that we make a strategy which becomes useless just because one unfairly and poorly spawned purge which is a nightmare in every possible way?
How are you coping with such problems? Do you have any ideas how to be prepared for everything? Also could my growing number of thralls in general be to blame here? The only thing that comes to my mind is the fact, that the difficulty is calculated also by thralls me or my clan have in general, without taking into account how many are there guarding the coffer.
I would appreciate some more elaborate info about this influence, if there is any.
Thanks a lot!