Tried out the new purge system a little bit, and while I have tons of feedback, it’s obvious that what we are testing is a very primitive version of the system.
It makes me wonder, if this is where we’re at right now, what will you guys change by the time it rolls out? In the past the test server has pretty much been what you see is what you are going to get.
Purge mobs bee line from the camp to your door. Very poor AI and tactics. Very easy to lead purge through a maze of doors and also very easy for the purge to lose their path to your coffer even when the path is clearly there.
The purge boss doesn’t always spawn enough keys to open all the cages. I also could not interact with the freed thralls. The freed purge vendor is very unfinished. I saw very few if any named crafter thralls. Also had one instance of two cages spawning within each other so one cage could not be opened.
Idk, don’t get me wrong, it’s a great start in the right direction. But holy crap is it nowhere near finished or even decent. I would ideally like to see siege weapons, intelligent AI that can take slightly randomized paths to your coffer. Not bugging out on stairs, Nighttime raids. The list could go on forever right?
Right now it’s simpler than the most simple of tower defense games.