Purge spawning behind the green wall and other various problems

Hi guys,

so today I decided to try the new purge. I started gradually adding the treasure and triggering the purge to see what differences are going to be in various difficulty levels.

In short, I got tired, annoyed and dissapointed from all the problems and bugs about this new system. Here is what I have on mind:

  1. In first three attempts (difficulty 1-3) the purge spawned on normal spot near to my base. Only there was a problem that I didn’t know, that there are not gonna be any valuable knockout-able thralls, so all of my 20 thralls in full gear were beating the enemies with truncheons and I had to do all the work to kill most of them. I let them have the truncheons to the dif. 3 purge, but the only thrall I got from the attacking waves was some stygian fighter III. After that I gave them normal weapons, because truncheons were apparently pointless.

  2. After third wave I decided to add two more doors to the coffer building, which I built just for this purpose (because my normal coffer room inside my castle was unreachable to the purge). That was two more foundations and doors, all perfectly accessible. Suddenly “There is no reachable location for the purge to setup their basecamp”.

  3. I tried 5 different spots near my base. This included restating my attribute points all the time, to drag building materials and build new minibase for coffer, then hoping for it to be working, and restating back to my fighting build. Fifth attempt worked, but the purge base spawned behind the green wall .

  4. So I had to defeat the purge for absolutely no purpose and profit, because at the end every treasure and reward is inside the purge raid base, which I could not access. There is no way to revert it once the purge starts and you see it spawned behind the green wall. You just have to spend useless time to defeat all the attackers, unless you want to lose your coffer.

  5. I tried another 4 spots, which meant not only restating attributes again and again and running around like a douch, to build and rebuild new minibases, but also the necessity to move most of my guarding thralls one by one closer to the distant new coffer placement, so they would help me defend it.

Result? Spawning behind the green wall at the same spot, or “There is no reachable location for the purge to setup their basecamp”. Apparently the purge has problems with hilly and uneven terrain as well.

sigh The idea about the new purge was so awesome, but I am kinda sad from this. Knowing that everytime I decide to trigger the purge, I need another 2 hours for trial and error method, and another time for replacing and moving all my thralls one by one to the new spots, about which I don’t even know if they will be succesfull about the purge triggering.

What are your ideas and experiences about the new purge?

The only reliable fix they can probably do for the greenwall issue is to put some sort of purge region block on the area around the greenwall. But that means the action you need to take on it will be the same, fire off the purge in another area not near the greenwall.

If you look at the video Dennis and Andy did about the purge and showcasing it, you will see it spawns a sizeable camp a little distance away. If you look around your base and don’t see a relatively flat area within that distance and that size, chances are the purge is not going to work.

The system chooses random locations that meet parameters, they are not spawning in preset locations. If they didn’t do this, they would spawn on top of hills and mountains, in lakes/rivers, inside of mountains and cliffs, and likely get stuck, be unreachable, or you wouldn’t even see them.

The idea behind the purge wasn’t so much to have old pre Chapter 2 bases be used for it, but for players to build in new locations with the purge in mind. So if you really need to, you can scout a new area to build in, see if it looks good. Then go into singleplayer and build what you think will work, test to see if it works, then come back and build it on whatever server you are on.

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Booi, do I have news for them :rofl:

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