Purge Spawn Issues

Have an issue with purges spawning, no surprise there, built a nice base to protect the coffee, get two purges complete - a T1 and T2 - and the purges refuse to spawn again… I’m setup in F7 big empty area around my base…

Why is it not working?

Guess I could just search up a list of purge thralls and just admin them in being single player… But I wanted to actually play the game. :joy:

While I can’t say why it’s not working (not sure anyone can answer that, lol) I can at least suggest a spot that hasn’t failed for me yet (also in singleplayer). I ended up building my purge base in c7 (border of d7) - in the first flat area outside the Unnamed City, but jammed right back up against the start of the red rocks (leading through to Godspire etc). Basically I’m built over pretty much where all the dry tree trunks are up at that end.

There’s tonnes of flat open space in front of the base, so (obviously) the purge always spawns on one of the two uneven ridges on either side (because why would they make it easy for themselves :rofl:). I can add a screenshot of the base if you like, but essentially it’s just a pointless ziggurat with stairs running straight up the front, a couple of ‘landings’ along the way for fighters and the coffer room at the top of the stairs (final landing in front of the door - others have pointed out that door directly at the top of stairs leads to pathing problems). Obviously I can’t promise that it would work for you, but it has worked for me so far.

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I’ll try that spot later tonight, thank you.

I usually build a turtle base, surrounded with the new Zing walls with some dungeon stairs going towards the coffee. :rofl:

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Seems to work so far… Seems to work with just a simple block house with a pyramid of stairs. :rofl:

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Make sure you haven’t placed any treasures you got from the 1st purges near your coffer. Any item close to the coffer can cause the problem where the purge base can’t find a spot with a clear path.

I’ve been doing empty buildings with two height walls, with 4x6 foundations and a door with a walkway and stairs… Zero defense, zero decorations… I get maybe one or two low level purges, then anything else “can’t setup a camp”, tried C7 and F7, even tried just foundation and stairs in the volcano as some YouTube videos show…

:rofl: I’ll just search around for the thralls available from purges and admin spawn them…

Purges are fun when it decides to work, but not spending hours trying to find the “sweet spot”…

Nothing should stand in the way before the coffer. Not even a treasure as thurgond suggested, also not a thrall placed on the path. Yes, thralls are treated as placeables when they are placed down. And the doors, you gotta have them one block away from the stairs.

Yep… That’s what I do, 4x6 foundations, one door with two tile height walls, a straight walkway from the door to a 3x6 platform with stairs around the sides…

As I said, the purge works for one, maybe two times and suddenly they can’t get to it, didn’t place anything new between purges, so no clue as to why it suddenly is “unreachable”.

I have my raidme base set up out side serpers. Worked fine till serpers ah an event, hasn’t worked since.

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Mine was set-up and working in the empty area of F7 till the first hot fix that removed the event… Didn’t think about that being an issue.

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