Lvl 1 Purge much harder out of nowhere... is this normal?

I’ve looked around but can’t find an explanation for what happened in my most recent purge.

So on this server, I’ve only started experimenting with purges. I just wanted to gain a couple of barkeeps for my tavern and move on from there. I was spamming Lvl 1 purges with ~31 gold in the chest just to see. First 3 were normal, easily managed. Then suddenly I go to trigger the 4th one: camp spawns smack in front of my base with almost zero closing distance. Defense archers start coming out, hard to kill and mind you I’d brought my weak weapons (the other 3 had been cheese). My lvl 25 zerker dies and my base is obliderated, -31 gold.

My question is, where did that come from?? Are purges usually meant to accelerate without cause? I was under the impression the amount of gold you had determined the difficulty.

Note: I do nonetheless, like how they’ve made this somewhat of an encounter, and the changes made. Just salty about my thrall being dead.

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I’ve had similar experiences and had to build a covered fighting area Infront of the main gate to stop the archers from killing all my guards. It’s fine if the base spawns further away, but when it appears at point-blank, the purge camp guards can really ruin your day.

I faced it too, till i could figured it out, i though that it should be a mechanic to avoid spamming purge infinitelly, but i was tottally mistaken. Purges lvl 1 to 7 are quite easy, you just have to take care with the camp, defensive archer are tough, if the purge camp spawn close to base they will kill our thralls, another factor are the purge camp guards with spears, they are one skull mini bosses and they are 6, they will attack if you get to close to the camp and they can ruim your purge, they are incredible strong. I had the sensation that the purge lvl 1 had the incresaed difficult, but on thrut i have come to close to the camp and trigged these guard, and while i was trying to survive them the others loot the coffer and destroyed the base.


Lvl 25? Do you use mods?
31 gold or 500, lvl 1 is lvl 1.
The reason this purge seemed more difficult was…

This purge no matter the lvl can be devastating. Imagine that if this will happen with a lvl 10 purge consider many thralls dead. The agro is so high, the confusion is big and even if lvl 1 npcs can easily die in masses with gas, still it’s not a purge to handle easily.
So make sure to give your own distance for personal defense with just one thrall…

I am sorry for your loss, but sometimes these experiences are only making us better.

In challenges that i want to defend purges alone i fix hallways to control the number of npcs i have to deal with. If you have only a thrall, set it guarding behind you and attack nothing further to 5 meters.
Use the thrall to get a breath and heal and then go in front again.
Shields are life savers in these situations.
Have fun exile


that’s exactly the reason for all our losses and why I’m done with the purges.
if the base spawns at a reasonable distance, the thralls usually have time between waves to get back into position and not rush in where they shouldn’t.
But if the base spawns right next to it, the thralls will rush forward uncontrollably, new and new enemies will spawn on top of them, they’ll start making clumps and when they corner someone, they will die no matter how strong he is.

Until the FC fixes this and sets a minimum distance their glorious new purges are too risky (and time expensive considering how long it takes to train a berseker) for little benefit

Purges need 2 things to work as they should and not be unnecessarily frustrating for the player - remember to have fun with the game in the first place.

  1. set a minimum distance for the enemy base , most players build an extra outpost somewhere in the open countryside where space is not an issue anyway
  2. give us some sort of option / command for all thralls fighting in the purge to return to their position , I’m tired of yolo attacks to save a thrall that decided to go on a trip somewhere in the middle of a battle

You can play with thrall attack/chase distance though? My thralls never run away even when the camp is literally behind the walls of my base and have no issue returning to their guard location. If anything I’d like my defending thralls to be more aggressive than they currently are, sometimes enemies reach the coffer before my melee thralls had time to react, and a demolisher might get one hit or two in before my berzerker on guard station wakes up.

But I don’t mind doing most of the work since the AI is so dumb anyway.

The defenders of the attacking base are indeed quite strong, regardless of the level of purge. And the distance to their base is unpredictable, regardless of the landscape. Sometimes their base is placed outside the line of sight, which is also very inconvenient.
We need to carefully consider the configuration of our own base in order to protect ourselves from enemy archers and not allow our followers to run out into the crowd of attackers. Variations on the theme of the widespread “corridor with inclined walls” design are often used.

May i add one more?
Purges must attack always when there’s free space to settle. I fixed a base in the north that includes my treasury. Every time i proclaim wealth the purge gives me message that they cannot find space. So i start redecorate braziers and cauldrons, or change guard positions to some followers and magic, now the purge starts, now the purge has space to camp :man_facepalming:.

This purge needs time from devs, but it needs time from us too, so don’t quit @Keldy on them, if we give feedback maybe they will fix it sooner.

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Well I enjoy the purges , but the problem is I fend off a few , everything is OK and then there is THAT ONE that spawns right near the base and then it is more or less certain that some thrall will die .

Over the last few months I’ve even gotten used to them dying a lot (but that doesn’t mean I’m not upset about losing a few really good ones I’ve had for a long time) and I’ve even stopped trying to give them any extra boost via elixir of rebirth - it’s not worth it when they die in a few days.
But for me personally, the really big problem is that leveling a Cimmerian is just VERY long and VERY boring. It makes the game feel more like work than fun.

Overall, the new Funcom idea of “nothing lasts forever” doesn’t sit well with me - It used to be a game where you’d build up good thralls and get used to them , laboriously get a rare legendary item and kill legions of enemies with it …
Now it’s all about leveling up and leveling up more bersekers to replace losses and picking up another Predatory Blade in UC because the one I have only lasts a few days…

By the way, don’t you think that somehow nerfed Elixir of Rebirth? Usually 20-30 was enough for a really good combo, last time I needed almost 300 before crap like cannibal perk stopped dropping.

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On your battle platform in front of your base, place a couple of columns closer to the attackers, place some ceilings on them, and place 3-4 leveled archers on them. They will skirmish with the Stygian archers and kill them if a Stygian base appears close to you.

Lvl 25? Do you use mods?

*20, sorry. No, I do not.

What I gather from everyone’s (helpful, thank you) responses is that once a purge spawns at such a close radius, defense mobs enter the picture and it’s all over from there. And no, I can not/do not want to imagine what this would look like with a lvl 10 purge :sob:

I am reconsidering build locations, construct and size based on all of this information and plan to come more prepared next time.

So make sure to give your own distance for personal defense with just one thrall…

Do I understand correctly that this means you can place a thrall at a certain distance from your purge base to determine how far away the camp will spawn? I.e., the further away that thrall is, the further the camp will spawn (within limitations)?

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It is probably a result of the new and ludicrous combat changes @DragonQueen. It is now remarkably easier for even the weakest of enemy NPCs to stun-lock both us and our thralls to death, while utilizing a turn on a dime homing lock-on manouverability. Combine that with the bug which made the Battering Rams able to smash through a T3 door in a single blow and you have a recipe for disaster.


Purge npc’s have the ‘ Eats their Wheeties’ buff


Of course I know that it would be possible to prevent the base from spawning too close already, I also know how to build a good structure where enemies would die easily.
But such a building would be extremely ugly (there are a few of them on the server) and since I play on the official server I try to keep such a building as small as possible because of the unnecessary land claim - the purges are not worth banning our clan and losing everything

Of course we get upset, i understand 100% what you say.

Tell me about it :rofl:.
When i loose a good Thrall on purge, i level the same name i lost in the fortress :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. It’s not interesting to lvl up thralls you already have lvl up in masses.
Of course an army of Berserkers or Lians can be considered as expendable, but in pve this is not so necessary.
I like the random names all around the map and for this reason only i give them proper level up.
Not to mention that Teimos is still a good Thrall, not what he use to be but still decent!
So you understand why Berserkers are lvling so slow, to balance the power these thralls have and main spawn. If i am not Mistaken Lian lvl up a bit faster than Berserker but @Tephra or @Xevyr can confirm this. The Lians i level up almost never die but it doesn’t seem like forever as a Berserker.

I never use more than 5 or 6 in a thrall. I don’t look for super perks, all i need is not to see negative perks.
I hate negative perks, i believe they have zero reason for existence anymore, they can go away. For this reason i enjoy lvling pets, no matter what they gain i love it and keep it. Other than that i find no reason to slay 50 npcs to fix one thrall stats that will die in a bugged situation.
I want to test a purge with 10 frost giants. They cannot be staggered, they hit massive numbers of npcs and they brake all the possible combos npcs may have. I believe this is the super pve defense now.
Their only minus is archers, but this is something i can handle my self easily. Reach of the red Mother is not a joke anymore, it hurts bad!!! But even Abyssal bow is good enough and cheaper on use.
Give your feedback brother @Keldy, i need it, thanks for chatting :+1:t6:.

No but the fault is mine, not yours. Later on i will add some photos of what i do in order to stay alive in solo or challenging sessions. Stay tuned fellow exile, i love healthy and proper conversations in this forum. From times to times it becomes dumpster of toxicity in here and it’s heartbreaking. Thank you for posting :metal:

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Lian belongs to the Heirs of the North faction which is in the normal leveling group, Berserkers belong to the Forgotten Tribe faction which is in the slow leveling group.

The leveling groups are listed on the wiki.


Thanks a million @Tephra, for everything :metal:.
And a question for this list please.
Colossal Snakes, are they medium or slow?
I believe they are slow, isn’t?

No more than usual- those archers though can be deadly if you have no response to them.

I use Nox arrows on them when the base spawns too close. Youll need to keep them dotted up or they will heal over time.

Nox arrows also great against lower end enemies coming into your base especially when they surround your thralls

Perch yourself high up 3 foundations high so you get a good view.

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Medium. Added them to the list.

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I have a story to tell that is about bravery and is also sad:

Just hours ago our clan (official server) called a level 4 purge. 3 of us with followers (all warband) and 10+ lvl20 top gear in front of the door fighters + several archers on the walls.The camp spawned closer than we hoped for but not the closest we have seen.

As the attack began several of out fighters bravely rushed directly into the camp.
Following the moment, us players followed the direct attack.
A clanmate got killed by cowardly half naked renegades, with assistance of some properly equipped fighters. His follower, Danlisia, bravely stood her ground, not allowing her masters body be savaged in ill manner. All of us regathered swiftly and ended the purge in victory, alas with few rewards.

After the fight, there was a moment of silence.
Me and clanmate that lost the Danlisia went AFK for few minutes. (RL stuff)
3rd member had time to place a Beserker from a chest, be equipped with saved equippment.

After about 5min total, we went to clean Unnamed city.

PS: Flowers, candles and notes of support for late Danlisia can be placed at north gate of our main base, west of New Asagarth, at 1004 official.