Baffled by Purges

Hi folks.

I have read as much as I could and though I’d got to grips with purges but clearly not. I’d love some views in what’s just occurred.

For context I’m a solo player on an official pve server and have had several purges. All do which were quite mild, usually one named mob but had to be dealt with or else stuff gets smashed. I literally have a purge every time I’m online and the purge meter touches the first line.

Today was different and I don’t understand why. I had a purge and dealt with around 6 waves of avalanche rockclaws (sorry spelling) each wave had several 1 star mobs in the mix, which is fine. The waves seemed endless. Then I had a wave with an enormous 3 star mob, same species, that was as tall as my biggest building. It could step over my tallest walls and did, but could also fit through doors… I couldn’t touch it. My 3 named lvl20 assistants and the mass of cannon fodder dragon armour couldn’t touch it and all died. My castle no longer exists, it is total rubble.

Is this normal and what have I done wrong if anything? How do I plan for this?


Greetings @Steevodeevo !
It seems that you ran out of luck!
That boss is one of the worst, and of course it is random.
It has destroyed my base or killed my best Thralls in more than one Purge.
You were lucky you never met it before! It is said to have a huge amount of AC and to deal a huge amount of damage (more like a bug/miss configured values).
BTW, there is a player here who showed us how to single-player handle that boss!, but I just do not remember where that video is.
Better luck next time!


I feel for you. On ps4 pve we built a wall across from him so people can not drag to our base. The tough ones Ice giant’s spawning in your base. @Steevodeevo


Brutal… yeah he’s a monster. I give all of my thralls maces with AP/Master Weapon Fittings if I’m building in an area that has a rocknose threat. IIRC, poison still work on him, so snake arrow and poison gas arrows will do well too. But, as was stated before, an avalanche is one of if not the worst purge. My condolences, friend


That’s one of the harder boss type mobs. But the counter is to use weapons with high armor penetration. The reason you weren’t phasing it is because it has over 90% damage reduction. Your weapons were potentially doing single digit damage to its 4,800 health (which is actually quite low for a boss, they usually have 12,000).

If you do see a rocknose purge again, equip your followers with One Handed Maces and watch them just tear through it.


2 handed maces will wreck crap like a high fiber diet too


Thanks guys, this is all helpful and I appreciate the condolences! Id just killed my first 3 star birdman and got access to the teleporter, so I was feeling pretty good, then “bang” back to the stone age.

I believe I read somewhere that Purge locations are fixed? Also from what is said above, I wonder do these spawners produce specific types of mobs, such as Rocknoses, such that I could have built somewhere else and avoided as many purges and certain purge mob types?


There are purge maps out there on the interwebs for both exiled lands and siptah, and if you hate purges 100%, then build south of the river in the exiled lands and never get purged again (at least until that changes. If it changes)

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My wife and I made the poor decision of challenging the rocknose boss in the middle of the Siptah map on the way back from the Harpy vault with a max lvl bearer towing the full load; our base is on the opposite side of the island. RIP Keneisha (bearer) / vault loot Oct 17 2022 - Oct 17 2022.


Sorry for demise of your faithful follower. @Ryujiin87

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@Steevodeevo This guy, right?

You could keep a similar set of gear in a box just for him :smiley:

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Thank you, it means a lot :sob:. On the subject of purges, they keep spawning inside my walls and wrecking my shit, so I placed a bunch of palisades where they spawned last time, hope it works (fingers crossed)

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That often means you built your base in a way that they can’t attack the foundation they are after. Like in a lake or up on pillars or a cliff with no way to get to it.


Have had purge in base when they have access. Always plenty of thralls ins @auticus @Ryujiin87

Best solution: get into the north.
The further away from the noob river, the better.

The best preparation for a purge anywhere is to build with T3 materials. I recently had a rocknose purge on Siptah. I lost about 20 thralls half of which were cannon fodder rescues but the other half were well equipped zerkers. I made several strategic mistakes, the worst of which was not swapping my thralls weapons out for maces/hammers with decent armor penetration. However, the only building damage was 3 lost torches and minor wall damage which took about 8 taps of the repair hammer to fix.

The best defense on a PvE server is to call for help. A few level 60 players with their thralls will make short work of any boss, even Rockslide.



This land is claimed by Rockslide now!

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That was just the first one, took out my bed, killed me so I respawned int he desert. Was hoping he’d be gone before I got back. Ran in to get my stuff, but before all ways said and done my place was leveled and I had lost most everything and all my thralls. Broke down and packed up what was left and moved south of the river. Now I’m puttering here and there just to keep decay at bay.

I just stared him down, lol.