I think you’re a bit late to that party… but okay…
Testlive Update 3.0.1 (25.08.2022): More fixes to The Age of Sorcery!:
It’s a videogame… and as it has been pointed out on this forum 10 thousand times at least… it’s not an ONGOING PAID SERVICE… You bought the game once… period… job done… you have purchased technically a fully functional game to use ON private servers or solo (since that was the original purpose). Funcom merely provided some servers for free for those to play on who can’t be bothered searching for the private server they like.
Stop acting all entitled and demanding stuff that you did not pay for… They’re clearly working on it and fixing things here and there. I agree that there are bugs that need fixing… in the game we purchased… I disagree that managing the community on those free servers and policing people whose fun consists of trying to ruin yours on purpose is a “bug” that needs fixing… they’re not getting paid for that…
And yes, private people on private servers actually do that for you for free… because it’s their hobby and they choose to… hence why a lot of times it is suggested as a solution here.
Never was… never will be… PvP is ONE aspect of it out of many, calling it “lifeblood” is a flat out lie in the case of Conan for example, especially if you mean official PvP servers.
I think you should chill out and see what the game will look like tomorrow, and hey if you DO like some aspects of it… and they do fix things you disliked (like the above issue that has already been fixed), then maybe adjust your attitude a bit from these “doomsday” posts