Let’s be realistic here, if a new player gets to pvp10 and some t5 gear/ weapons within a month I’ll eat him alive… cause in your case you have friends that help you with raids and dungeons that’s a diff story but you can’t generalize that.
U do not need help to make dungeons thou, or a raid. U just need a guild. Which u are supposed to be in anyway since you are playing mmorpg . And from said guild u can make your friends. So yea even new players can achieve stuff as long as they dont get in raid finder loop and become sweep / slam spammer for rest of his life
You hox was created on Crom,wasnt it? he says "instead of transfering, make it on Fury" I
m completely sure youll not do a t5 raid in a month/two/three/etc.. on fury not talking about RF which popped first time in a month(?) UC runs on Fury are possible since you only need 5 friends - thats the only possible part on Fury lol. To sum up, you can get aas and khitati gear on fury? yes, you can get t4/t5/rf? no way pvp 10 isn
t doable in a month even on fury, unless you do some shady stuff
Most of the dungeons are doable in PvP gear, but I`ve never seen people on Fury trying to form something, probably because some of them just xfered from crom, others (like you) just like open pvp too much and last part are people like memigol
Fury has same rule set as crom does, just open pvp is open and daily pvp works. So technically on fury it should be even easier.
And If kobk, burgers, usb, vendetta etc would team up im sure they are capable of filling a raid, does not mean its not possible… just unlikely that they would
filling != killing bosses
Well it is mmorpg afterall, progression and learning are part of the game, there are guides and specs etc how to do this stuff. all it takes is effort
thats what nick is saying… there is no way you clear t5/t6 on fury in nearest future.
Apparently memogigol and coco did scorpion caves together. Memogigol best PvE demo