It seems they are backwards for the most part, no I don’t mean wearing them backwards, that usage of them.
It seems all if not most armor is not as it should be. You look at the armor/outfits for the Desert and look at their rating, it protects you from COLD! You can wear the stuff in the Desert.
Same as for Colder Climate armor/outfits, they are to protect you from HEAT.
I wish they would fix it so Desert apparel can be worn in the Desert without burning up and Cold Climate apparel can be worn in the North without freezing to death.
Also they all seem to have the same rating; 1 bar.
Even when you make Vanir armor, you still freeze. Please FUNCOM fix the armor so it matches the climate it’s for and allow players to build better (epic) stuff that allows better use in the Volcano and the Frozen North.
I love this game, even with some of the flaws and bugs, but the armor thing drives me insane.
Like live stream mention, its by whats needed in game. Not enough cold? next dlc gets cold resist. XD
I think once some more happen they can go back and adjust?
Vanir makes since… Heirs of North are of North, so they can watlz around like a boss.
You wear it, its…not as effective.
But also, Cold goes thru everything… even some of best real life clothings doesn’t work 24/7 in coldest places in world.
As does heat. Having prefect “weather” protection isnt really realstic, and kinda OP game wise.
1bar + 5 armors = 4-5 rating. I think its just how menus work it out. We’ve been asking for redo of info on armors. Crafting table doesn’t label some of info as is. You need go into feats page to look it up, which is weird.
I think some need overhaul. BUT also we need Tools that change cold/hot protection. So we can Fashion Exiles 24/7.
With Female Zimorian Thief being cold resist all logic is thrown completely out of the window.
I am wearing flawless Turanian and I freeze in the epic cold zones. Especially where the first giants are. I need epic flawless to make it. This is with perks in vitality
What’s wrong with high lvl zones requiring high level equipment? Temperature mitigation was shifted from being entirely passive (armor) to being more active (consumables) in certain zones.
Just a heads up, you typically start freezing where frost giants are because frost giants use black ice weapons. As of a patch a few months ago now, black ice weaponry causes a temperature dropping effect when you are hit by them. It’s temporary but enough to cause you to start freezing to death even in good cold protect gear.
Using black ice weapons on people in pvp is actually viable now if you are fighting in cold areas. There’s also a mace called Heated Argument from unnamed city that does the opposite as well… it heats the target up when hit, causing heat stroke.
There isnt anything wrong per say. But there is issues with armor making sense visually.
Yes consumables help and I use them. But flawless wont mitigate. You need flawless epic. Which is fine. Im neither one way or another about it since the North and the Volcano are not areas I tend to hang out in.
I make exactly 2 trips up to the volcano and 1 trip to the north per year.
There is no normal armor able to stop you freezing in snow biome.
Vanir, even the epic flawless, is not as good as DLC cold-protecting armors.
And yeah, Funcom always stated they don’t see the lore but the game balance when a new armor type is made, so sometimes (like for Turan armors) armors of a people of the desert in the lore, protect you from cold in game and viceversa.
Are thralls affected by temperature ? I never noticed they were heating to much with Khitan heavy armour or a Turan medium armour in the desert, savanna and jungle. While myself I stopped wearing cold protect armours after I came close to having an heartstroke in the savana. Got one irl, didn’t enjoy the experience, don’t wan to repeat it in a virtual world. Now in the hot parts of the map I wear a light Aquilonian armour if I expect to meet hostile creatures / NPCs, or nothing at all the rest of the time.