Abyssal Armor: Change Despawn on Death

Currently when you die while wearing the abyssal armor it despawns.

Proposal: Have Abyssal armor on a corpse despawn when its timer expires. For example if the armor has 20 minutes until it expires, have the armor stay on the corpse for 20 minutes before it goes poof.

Additionally, if the body is summoned have the armor come with the body.

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I don’t exactly foresee this being a thing. A dead sorcerer is a failed one. There is consequences for that.

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It might have just been easier for the devs to have it be destroyed on death rather than trying to make it unlootable. Figured it was worth asking.

Also I sounds like that they wanted the armor to an extension of the creator of it and when that creator dies the armor ceases to exist.

I will go you one better @CIPHERSTONE. Let players remove sets of Abyssal Armor from their inventories and store them, and remove the stupid countdown timer on it while we are at it. Sorcery is not OP, it is barely even viable. And being able to store and retain a set of so-so armor (from a protection standpoint) which keeps you at 50% health and stamina is not a big deal.

I wouldn’t mind having access to a ritual that allows the armour to become permanent. Sure, there’s the crafting version from wish.com, I don’t want that, I want the abyssal set so I can stick it on a mannequin to look pretty or give a thrall a corrupted look.

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It costs a ritual blood flask and 3 heavy padding. It’s the cheapest armor of all, yet the best! The crafting time is hilarious. It weights nothing yet it gives you a ton of buffs and armor almost like epic heavy.
It has two penalties only.
50% corruption
Lost on death!
About the timers? You can have a single set for months, all you have to do is kill while wearing this armor and don’t die.
The only optiion i wish to see in this armor is the option to destroy it on your inventory, not for vital reasons, if you don’t wear it eventually it will disappear, but because it’s nice to get rid of it when you don’t need it, that’s all.
Abyssal gear, including bow and hammer, is the best gear this game has, by far.

I say leave it the way it is, but instead of having the armor just de-spawn, add an animation to it so it looks like all that abyssal power that the armor is made from is dispersing after it’s wearer dies, causing the armor to fade away and leave behind a naked corpse.

Really sell the idea that this is not normal armor and that it is a manifestation of dark sorcery rather than bits of metal and leather. And that’s the reason you can’t loot it from the sorcerer you just killed. :grinning:

You can’t have a single set for months on official. It decays based on the server food decay time which on the officials I have played on is 1 hour. That timer continues when you log off.

When I posted this I was mainly thinking hey we should be able to grab the armor after die provided the timer is still up. But as others noted, and I thought about it poofi g it was probably the easiest thing to do without having to implement a mechanism to make it unlootable by others.

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I fixed this set about 3 weeks ago.

I train thralls only with Abyssal armor. The last 2 weeks i do a session on Siptah, “no slavery”, i started official first but the lags are horrible so i went single player. So the last 2 weeks i just log in every 2 or three days to go around my base and log out. That’s why i have only 13 minutes left, because i don’t kill.
So yes, you can have this armor for as much as you wish, just keep killing with it.

I wish i could dye the freaking armor :laughing:.

For the record, it costs you a bit of your soul as you sacrifice another human being to obtain it.

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You do reminde a topic years ago, that someone asked what’s the penalty of death in this game and @Zeb replied “shame” :rofl:. I am a shameless soulless beast :laughing:.

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Lol. That was me. I tried to push that death needs more sting than just naked at a spawn point.

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We are both getting old in here brother, i couldn’t ask something better than this :metal:.

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That timer doesn’t affect armor, tools, weapons, or food in your inventory if the option for bodies to remain in on log off is disabled.

This is a setting every PVE server should strongly consider turning off. It helps with performance drastically. It also shortens the reboot time whenever the server restarts (in main part to the database file getting drastically reduced in file size).

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Apologies, this post is about the summoned corrupted sorcerer armor.

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Exactly :woman_shrugging:t4:. But for a short time (about a couple weeks) i saw the reaction @CIPHERSTONE says, my Abyssal armor had an unaffected timer, no matter what i was doing the armor timer didn’t refresh. That’s over however is gone, your armor is refreshing while you kill and do not decay when you log out.
So it’s good.

No need, the apologies are mine here, thanks for your kindness :metal:.

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