I have an issue with my account not being able to show as subbed.
1st payment method failed.
Two after worked fine. (paypal, other card)
Account is frozen due to the failed payment.
I attempt to update the payment method for the failed payment and NOTHING works, regardless of method (i.e. Paypal, Card)
Please help.
You can’t even use points without being subbed properly.
To add to this:
This shows:
Submit Payment failed
(Ref.Id -1780208398)
The Site Administrator has been Notified.
Please try again later.
Bumping this in hopes of a fix. @AndyB
Daily bump with attached Funcom Ticket [Funcom Support #1165087]
Sad to hear this. I’ll still give it another week or so.
Only 8 days waiting so far? You might literally have a few more months to wait.
This does not instill hope for such a simple billing fix.
Ticket was replied to by CS.
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