Hello there! I’m hoping to get some help with an issue regarding purchasing Patronage in SWL through Steam.
I was sitting next to my husband, we have the same kinds of PCs, and our TVs are set up next to each other and i went to purchase patronage at the top of my screen, it opened the overlay and I had a swift successful purchase. Right afterwards, my husband opened it on his, and it said “Your Steam Account is unable to make this purchase at this time” followed by “you can only purchase aurum every 30 seconds” This seems to be a bug, but of course, I’m definitely not an expert. I’m not sure if it was brought on by him being in a group with me or what, because we were when I activated mine.
His overlay is on, and all ingame/steam settings match mine exactly.
We’ve tried reinstalling, repairing, updating PCs and Steam, converting to steam account, adding purchase option to his steam wallet and contacting Steam. Steam does not offer ANY support what so ever for SWL and has it on the SWL support page in Steam, directing all players who need assistance to Funcom. I contacted them (steam) otherwise and asked about it anyway, and they directed me to Funcom as well. I submitted tickets to Funcom on both my account and my husband’s account in regards to the issue.
We really enjoy the game and would love to be able to play together, as patrons! Unfortunately though, the days of frustration trying to do this is ruining the experience a bit… Any assistance here would be greatly appreciated, thank you for any time and consideration!