Adjust the Hate List to include religious factions

I propose adding changes to the Hate List so that aggression of NPC’s is increased or decreased based on religious following to be in more in line with Conan lore. This change would ideally affect NPC aggression levels toward both players and other NPC’s. For example, if my character is a Mitra devotee, Set priests should be hostile. If a Set priest and Mitra priest are spawned together in close proximity, they should be hostile to one another.


There should also be an “active religion” for players, since it’s possible to learn all religions and build all temples etc. Switching your active religion could be done by visiting the teacher of the religion you want to activate or a named priest at fully upgraded temple that you own. Maybe limited to one switch/day.


Maybe tie the hostility to worn objects, then? I mean, you can’t tell just by looking at someone which religion they follow. But if they’re wearing a T-shirt proclaiming “Mitra is teh bestest!”, then yeah, a Setite might take offense.

That said… is a different religion necessarily a good enough reason for violent hostility? We know from Howard’s stories that at least some religions were able to coexist peacefully enough in the same region, even though prejudices were not uncommon.


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