Admin panel improvements for PS4

Currently the admin panel is more of a cheat page than an administrative tool, we could do with more power to change ownership of buildings and thralls, a way to delete buildings , clans and thralls. A way to send server messages wouldn’t hurt and would allow server admins to hold in game events.
Well hopefully you guys will take this in to consideration for future updates.

Edit. A way to set leaders of clans via the admin panel could help a lot as well (that way if a clan leader stops playing then that clan can still keep going)

Couldn’t agree more we defiantly need a global chat box because with console commands we could probably do most of what you asking for.

I love how ghost mode now turns off snapping when building and they finally got rid of the damn drift while in flight mode so improvements are being made :crossed_fingers: chat box will come sooner than later.

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