As an owner of a populated server, i would like for there to be an Admin chat option rather than just broadcast. Meaning, it would be great if in the global chat, i can appear as an admin instead of giving away who i am. I want to be fair and enjoy the game. In the past, i’ve been feared, which i disgust.
Anyhow, if there is anyway to make an admin of a server feel great, this would be one!
That’s an issue, truly. As a DM host, I am familiar with your predicament. If only we as players and us as admins could be differentiated enough, that our characters won’t yell administrator whenever we cross paths with other fellow players and spook them away or something equally awkward. It’s hard as a ’ player host ’ to not influence other players the wrong way or lead them accidentally to rely on your own character as if they were some kind of a demigod. It’s hard to keep the balance.
This is why many of us have alternative accounts. While others administrate, we play. While we administrate, they play. We all can’t play at the same time or there would be an issue of zero administration involved.
I like your idea. It gives us at least a bit of space.
As an owner and admin, i don’t even get to play. all we do is build and create (which has been a different type of fun), and clear the server of clutter and official grief tactics (soider webs, dot land claiming, sandstone rubbish every where). Playing to me would just muddy the waters and open the conversation up about favoritism and cheating. I have to go to officials to get my pvp out of my system