I was watching things about Conan Exiles, then the steam page show me that page, which reminds me that it still exist.
In 2008 I was barely able to make this game work with minimum settings, but now, with a medium range laptop I make everything works in maximum graphics while the laptop is not even plugged !
Remembering how violent, gore, and adult the content is, I couldn’t resist, and even surrounded by a thousand of games I can play, I just want to play this one.
So I grabbed the steam pack with all the expansions litterally 30 second before the discount ended.
I see in a lot of topic that this game is dying, so I wanted to give you a positive vibe from someone that will discover this very cool game and hope to reach your power and skill, then play with you in the high level.
Welcome to the forums! FYI, while Age of Conan came out in 2008, this game (Conan Exiles) only released 2 years ago, and it’s still alive and kicking with ongoing support and DLCs that are still in development.