After 12 years, I finally join this game


I was watching things about Conan Exiles, then the steam page show me that page, which reminds me that it still exist.

In 2008 I was barely able to make this game work with minimum settings, but now, with a medium range laptop I make everything works in maximum graphics while the laptop is not even plugged !

Remembering how violent, gore, and adult the content is, I couldn’t resist, and even surrounded by a thousand of games I can play, I just want to play this one.
So I grabbed the steam pack with all the expansions litterally 30 second before the discount ended.

I see in a lot of topic that this game is dying, so I wanted to give you a positive vibe from someone that will discover this very cool game and hope to reach your power and skill, then play with you in the high level.

:partying_face: :underage:


I think you mean Age of Conan Unchained. You are in the wrong forum, but welcome anyway :slight_smile:

Yes, I even wrote this message in the Conan Unconquered forum and a mod transfered it here by mistake too :smiley:


Lol XD I was thinking to myself, if Exiles has been out that long, I must have missed something somewhere XD

Welcome to the forums! FYI, while Age of Conan came out in 2008, this game (Conan Exiles) only released 2 years ago, and it’s still alive and kicking with ongoing support and DLCs that are still in development. :slight_smile:

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Yes, but I don’t know how to delete this topic, since it’s not the good game :smiley:

Well, might as well stick around and read about Conan Exiles a bit, maybe watch some videos of the gameplay. Who knows, it might interest you.


Oh it does, I have it :smiley:


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