All clan structures disappeared from the map. What could have happened?

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Other
Server type: PvP
Region: EU
Mods?: No
Edition: Steam

Bug / Question Description:

Hi all,

This afternoon, in the blink of an eye, every structure (foundation and walls, not workbenches and faults) of my clan disappeared from the map (bases in the desert and even in the volcano). Could this be because the clan was reported landclaim? Is it hackers? Something else?

The base was somewhat large with some dumb gimmicky things around it, but it was a clan consisting of about 10 people, so of course it is large.

In the event log the only thing we can see is that structures lost stability.

Kind Regards

Server EU #1100

There has been a lot of reports of this. Most likely a bug.

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Hmm, that’s unfortunate, it seems like none of the other clans had their bases on the map disappearing. Thanks for the response.

I’m not sure what triggers it all I know is there are a lot of other reports like this. Did you build near a POI or block any resources on the map ??

If it is only chest disappearing then it is most likely a bug. If it is the base however, it probably got admin deleted and your whole clan might be banned by server restart. It has happened to people I know in the past and today it also happened to our base so in 5 hours I will most likely be banned from official

As far as I am aware, not really. We were close to a world-boss, the spider in the desert. However, it’s spawn nor the skeleton chest was blocked. And there were no thralls ‘guarding’ the spot either, so if someone wanted to do it, it was very much possible… Very weird.

Hopefully the ban doesn’t come through, especially without a message or reason.

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if it is not malicious, they don’t ban anymore

you should write a ticket to zendesk, they can tell you more



Welcome to the forum!

As suggested you can request account specific information through zendesk .

Good Luck!

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Thanks for the replies all, I will contact Zendesk.

Kind Regards.

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