I lost a chest too when i was offline. Its only one chest but i have the same issue like other players. Event log says the chest lost stability.
My log is german I don’t know if they use other words in other languages. But I think the items need an Attribut that connects them to the stability of the building parts where you place them.
When I put something on a table and remove this table everything on the table lose stability because it was connected to the table and the table to the floor.
I think the stability with repair hammer is only shown to building parts not placeables. But in the background they need this.
But at all the stability thing is not working really good. I have parts with 0 stability but they should have 100 and others that should have a lower stability than 100 have a strange 127 stability.
LOL that’s such a funny bug! You realize that because this is a percentage, that anything over 100% should mean they are cloning themselves. Hahahaha… If we could only calculate the rate we could predict at what point there will be the singularity and the internet as we know it will either crumble or take over the world.
It’s not the topic of this thread but in this one I reported it and linked other threads. It seems to be an old bug
She’s right you know. Just because you played 6000 hours, that doesn’t mean anything. For example the one I quoted from you. I only have 780 hours in it, but I know if I destroy a foundation, stuff above it (building pieces that are connected to it such as walls, and placeables that are placed ONLY on that foundation will lose stability - of curse, it would be stupid if you destroy the foundation, and the stuff above it will remain floating in the air )
Well, you say that - but I logged in without one of my mods installed and the bar disappeared - but the mugs are still standing
Oh pelase, you can say it now: you are from the future, and learned magics and you are just showing off! hehe
By the way: I only experienced losing stuff when I destroyed the foundation below them, and they were immediate.
Probably stuff on stuff is an exception?
really think after 6000 hours i havnt built a base? hmmm exactly, the game always has exploits but not chest losing stability because of nothing?
read the post. single chest on benches despawned. even the single chest in the furnace
rightio mate
Hang on. Where is your building? Grid location is enough.
eye that never closes.
That tracks. Can you do me a flavor and put chests back on each of the benches, and one in the furnace?
Teleport or bracelet away, wait a bit. Then go back to the Eye base and check the chest stability.
I love that place, btw, but with new No Build Zones it can be tricky.
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