All my thralls are gone


I log in knowing the decay timer changed back to normal to render my base is is there as well as my teleports yet every single thrall, pet and mount has decayed!!!

I have over 2500 hrs in the game and this happens. Were the base amd thrall timers not in sync after the change? Im so done, all thralls had my best weapons amd gear. I also had rare crafters like shieldwrights on my bearer.

So many bugs ive dealt with, so much money spent on this game and years of dedication making sure my base was rendered, so much patience with customer support.

I spent 100s of hours leveling, searching for greater pets, on siptah buying expensive pets.

Im shocked this has happened . Im out on conan since i know they will do nothing and im now not even going to buy dune since I’m sure the same crap will continue.

Theres numerous posts of this allready, seems the thrall decay was never increased to the summer decay level.ofcourse it was not told to the players. No reaction from funcom.


Yeap, im really upset about losing all my thralls amd not one worrd from funcom. As usual they dont care. They wont care in dune either, so im not wasting any more money on this company. Not even playing anymore.

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What have they mesed ut whit the trall decay again?

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