All thralls, pets and mounts gone

Still waiting on a response from the summer timer reset where all thralls decayed well before the base timers ran out. Have put in a ticket amd multiple posts ,still silence from funcom. Multiple people have had the same issue amd no response. I lost 95 thralls. Including bartenders. 1000s of hours wasted, all my best legendaries amd gear lost. I will now not purchase dune or give funcom another penny if this is how little they care about their customers. Im also done with conan unless this is addressed.

It says pc big but i couldn’t get the playstaion tag to work. I am on ps5 3509


Can you bump this post for a week?
I 'll jump in your server to recover your loss, just give me a week!

@community, one month after the issue? still no words ? because you have a lot of customers that were victims and think the same thing than @Sky1 ( problem was same for pc, as it happened on all platform due to bad management of change of decay timer)

The silence is deafening.

My dearest @Sky1 i am on your server and ready to help you retrieve everything back.
It’s on you totally if you wish this to be done now or after the update drops.
We, together, can replenish your dmg in less than a week.
I guarantee you you’ll get thralls you never happened to see in these lands.

That’s my offer and i’ll leave it open for as long as you wish.

That’s my profile in psn!

Thank you so much. Ive just been rendering . I almost quit but i do have a very nice friend on the server so i decided to wait amd see if i get over it. Im on ps5 so will send a friend request. I leveled all my thralls the slow way with good food etc. Been playing diablo 4 , when they fix the crafter issue ill be playing more. Right now i dont want to risk losing any crafters. Thanks again, the offer is very kind of you amd i appreciate it.

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True :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Whenever you feel like you need any help to do something faster and easier, you know already that more players can achieve it easy.
Count me in fellow exile, thank you for answering :metal:.

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