Game mode: [Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [Europe]
All my thralls have died. The number of food stays to 0, and every time I placed food in their inventory, it disappeared immediately. The food pot does the same. I captured a new thrall, only to see him die as well. I had to go and create one in the admin panel to see him survive. I’ve tweaked the parameters as well. If that helps you, recently I’ve purchased the khitan dlc. My brother had the same phenomenon on his account.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- Log in the game from the jhebbal sag update
- Play normally and hear your thralls dying. Go to the pot and accept the fact (rage) that they will die even though you nourish them.
- Rage quit
- Return to the game on the Halloween update and… have infinite meteors…