Altar issues on official server

Game mode: online mode
Problem: altar issues, npc doesnt fight correctly
Region: southamerica 2985

Back again.
Leveling up a new altar of any religion breaks it instantanly as soon as it reaches tear3. Also the protection bubbles wear off at the same day if you had an altar beforehand.
Pls fix that urgently.
Some times npc will not fight correctly whilest using an epic weapon. Especially if you change it. They comence pulling out but just stare at the enemy and do nothing.

Btw nice job done by you guys.
Love the update.

Two more questions…

How long are the bubbles supposed to be on when working correctly???
And when (if) comes the birthday dlc (conan statues) out for xbox???

Steps on how to reproduce issue: an altar
2.level it up
3.see how it disappers
4.get upset

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Hey @Sangra

We’ve received a few reports about this in the past few days and our team is looking into it.
Thanks for your feedback.

Thxs for the fast answer.
What about the other two questions i had?

Protection bubbles should last 36h although there’s currently an issue that restarts them on server crash, our team is looking into it.
Regarding the Riddle of Steel, it’s still on certification. We have no ETA yet, but should be out by the end of this month.

Thank you very much once again.
Keep up the goid work. Youre gane is awesome.

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