I think it would be great if you could cast a circle on the ground and then from there you can summon demon, horse, Armour etc, it would mean you can get out and about more / travel around, and not have to do everything inside your base before you can get out the door.
Hmm… this is a good idea.
I always thought summoning mounts was a bit pointless when you could only do it at your base, and thought they should move mounts to the demonology branch of spell casting, but the problem with that is you would not need all of the reagents.
However, adding a temporary Circle of Power to the demonology branch would allow you to use it anywhere, and also not change the recipe requirements for using it.
How about chalk?
Why would you want to summon chalk?
Use the chalk (not summoned) to draw a circle of power. The idea isn’t new.
I’ve pondered doing an in depth suggestion/work up how I’d like to see Sorcery set up. But I honestly don’t think it’s worth the effort, or if I’d want funcom to even try to change sorcery at all.
Right off I’d like to be able to level spells; imagine a T4 lighting storm. Well if you remember it before the nerf
Bigger AOE for mass harvest.
Longer range for the bat.
And so on.
I really didn’t use sorcery much. I used a few spells a lot, but most never.
That is funny.
There’s been quite a few in depth suggestion posts over the years, some fantastical, some similar.
But as for the bat, the range is already crazy imo; corrupted perks version is insane, you can hit the map ceiling with it if you go straight up.
id like to have added into game more spells like for example fireballs , ice spells, lighting, and even some poison.
I know there is mods that do this somewhat, but they are way, way to OP.
my theory is make sorcerer thralls followers using these skills. if a player wants to use them they have to have more restrictions or double energy spent to use. here this idea probably would break the game tho lol.
just something interesting since i see people talk about sorcery more in this forum
Those already work with non-sorcery items, like a fireball from an arrow.
Thankyou Tephra, yes that’s the idea, its good to get out on the map more as sorcerer.
To stay true to REH’s vision and remain within sorcery rather than magic, it wouldn’t make sense to have fireballs, ice, lightning and poison spells strictly.
Lets be honest, is mass harvest sorcery or magic? It is one thing to destroy all the trees around you, another to magically get the resources from doing it.
And ice bridge is manipulating thin air into ice, so why could one not manipulate air into a fireball, ice ball, or electric ball to hurl.
The ice bridge is summoning black ice from the Outer Dark, not manipulating it from the air. The devs also admitted that they were already pushing the boundaries of lore-friendliness with it, but decided they really wanted to include it anyway.
So summon fire from the outer dark.
That cannot be summoned in the well of skelos…
It’s a choice!
Sorcerer or not, what will save your day is your “sword”.
But yes, i wouldn’t mind to see more convenience to a sorcery role play.
I have done a couple times only sorcery playthrough (i had to fist fight everything until i get sorcery gear ) and many things didn’t seem right…
The staff has no weapon animation…
Demons are weak…
The Abyssal mount gets fed and life from killings, but gazelles doesn’t work, so you’ll end up without mount really fast…
Buggy behavior on Abyssal gear, although it’s simply Amazing gear …
And many other spell tweaks that need further conversation…
But one thing is certain. Sorcery needs another round of attention from devs.
I think sorcery needs revamped and in particular the corrupted attributes. I still say level 20 corrupted authority should be summoning permanence where your summoned gear and pets timer is no longer an issue and they exist as long as they are alive until you log off. This would give the sorcery weapons, armor and help but it would cost them points to do so (which means the corruption limitations AND limited points to assign as a combat build).
I think we should have more variation that can come from the shallow grave (like all of the undead pets of old can be summoned via this and have the same limitation as zombies).
In addition to the the nergal bat time, corrupted authority also extends all the undead as a 0.1 /level time multiplier (so that level level 10 would give you an 100% ~4 days more time and level 20 be 200% more time ~6 days).
As far as spells goes, I think base illusion should be a level 3 spell that hides the notice of area claim and makes the base invisible for 24 hours. Only if you actively try to place a foundation piece will the player be alerted that there is land claim (vs the normal notification showing prior to placement) Please note that the base is invisible for ALL, including caster so they have to deactivate the spell to interact with the base in any meaningful way.
Another spell, sway the mind. This gives you the ability to make an NPC a temporary follower (lasting 5 minutes). The will do all normal follower functions but also willingly walk into a WoP/ thrall conversion. At the end of the five minutes, they immediately go hostile. The spell will not work if the NPC is actively aggro on the player.
Change so golems can be healed by only throw the consumption of power fragments (maybe red crystal?). Their advantage of high health pool is meaningless with the availability of their disadvantage of star metal weapons.
Also make corruption trade off better. If you are medium corrupted, then spells require one tier pack lower (tier 3 spells only need cloth and tier 2 require burlap, tier 1 require no kit) while heavy corruption lowers it that only tier 3 spells require burlap and the rest can be “free” cast. I’m OK with keep the lore friendly/utility style of spell weaving but you got to give people reason to play up the corruption.
Change level 20 corrupted vitality to Share the Truth. Your corruption will bleed over into your attacker and the damage they do to you is applied to their own corruption ( you get hit for 100 HP, attacker get 100/maximum HP of attacker % corruption)
Actually i loved all the ages, i cannot complain. I stopped playing the game only in the chapters of eclipse, or at least i wasn’t playing it a lot, lol.
But i wouldn’t mind for more chapters of sorcery, after the TOTAL fixing of the game Ofcurce .
Admit it, you just want to see Conan walking around in a wizard robe, waving a wand and chanting, in Ahnold voice, magic missile, magic missile…