An interesting thought on Conan deities

This is just my findings (assumptions) based on my playthrough of the game. Anything I say is not based on the facts but rather an interesting opinion.

There are lots of historical, theological icons in the game that are quite interesting and mesmerizing. I was able to piece together few game avatars and try to find the equivalent icon in our own history. I am impressed how devs implemented their knowledge of history to build it in the game.

1: Mitra - This god reminds me of Talos from Greek Mythology a giant statue that came alive.

2: Yog - This one perhaps is best described as lovecraftian inspiration?.

3: Jhebal Sag - This god reminds me of Mesopotamian god Anzu/Imdugud.

4: Ymir - Nordic mythological creature Frost giant perhaps?

5: Zath - This one looks exactly like the Maman Spider in Mori Museum in Japan.

6: Derketo - I am puzzled with this one. Looks like it is from Mayan or Aztec deities.

7: Set - Egyptian god Nehebkau or perhaps Christian villain Satan.

This thread is open for further enlightenment so feel free to add more information!

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Yog is Howard’s tribute to his friend HP Lovecraft whose name comes from Yog Sototh (not sure of the spelling I haven’t played CoC for ñges :wink:).

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Even the name Mitra has Greek base too. ÎœÎźÏ„ÏÎ±, you can do the translation on your own, :wink:.
Many lore lovers here have spoken plenty in this forum. A poor conclusion of mine is that these writers, especially R. Howard throw in the blender all his historical knowledge from all the times of history and created a fiction story for survival reasons. He used catchy ancient names but no very known to the public from different times and published his effort to fill his belly.
I liked Conan movie.
I read The book epidermal very young.
I idore the game, it’s magnificent and for me shades the above. The game is a masterpiece indeed!

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There’s actual book sources on these deities, which details them more.

Mitra is a benevolent god of humanity, and the arch nemesis of Set. Good stories to read would be The Phoenix on the Sword, and Black Colossus.

Direct. Yog is Yog-Sothoth. Good story would be The Dunwich Horror.

Beast-god of animals. Good story would be Beyond the Black River.

An alien deity from outer space that feeds on human hearts, and is the father of all frost giants. Story is The Frost Giant’s Daughter.

Zath is a Zamorian spider deity, who’s worshippers practice purity. Believed to be the parent of all spiders, the story is Conan and the Spider God.

The Derketo we have in the game is actually two gods merged together, Derketo and Derketa; one being a god of life and fertility, and the other death. Both aspects are conflated into the two-fold deity we have in game. Appears in Xuthal of Dusk, and Red Nails.

The Old Serpent is the father of the Serpent-men, and ancient pre-human race that once ruled the earth. Worship of Set by non-serpent-men was adopted to channel and invoke his powers commonly by sorcerers, and in the past the Giant-Kings and proto-Stygian Khari. Probably one of the most recurring gods beside Mitra in the books, appearances and mentions go as far back as The Phoenix on the Sword.


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