And now, Any news on fixing the dodge roll nerf?

Bonjour à toutes et tous,

Désolé mais cette fois je vais m’exprimer d’abord dans ma langue, pour être sûr de dire ce que je pense, je mettrai une traduction par google, mais elle ne sera peut-être pas de grande qualité, je m’en excuse d’avance !

J’ai plus de 5300 heures sur Conan Exiles ! J’ai pratiquement tous les DLC et je n’ai pas peur de dire que ce jeu a littéralement fusionné pendant longtemps avec mon ADN ! Je peux affirmer que je l’ai aimé ce jeu et que je n’ai aucune intention de dénigré gratuitement.

Je l’ai aimé jusqu’à la mise à jour destructrice de Décembre ! Après un si long mariage, c’est comme si Funcom avait mis un coup de couteau dans le contrat, changeant radicalement quelque chose d’acquis.

Cela a détruit mon plaisir. L’esquive, c’est la dynamique de certaines défenses, une fondation du jeu sur laquelle bien des choses reposent. C’est comme si une option avait disparu du menu !

Et cela ne rend en RIEN le jeu plus difficile. Il suffit d’un minimum d’effort pour s’adapter et rester performant, mais sans le plaisir ! Le jeu offre « encore » des options suffisantes pour venir à bout de quoi que ce soit (et pitié ne détruisez pas d’avantage), à partir du moment où l’on est prêt, à jouer TOUS de la MÊME MANIERE.

Cela n’a non plus, aucun correspondance avec un combat réel, ni jadis, ni a Hollywood… ni l’ancien, ni le nouveau système d’esquive ! Dans n’importe quel combat, personne ne roulerait sans mourir aussitôt !

Donc pitié oubliez tout argument bancal cherchant désespérément à rallier le réalisme, sauf si vous êtes prêt à argumenter au sujet des rhinocéros volants !

Quant à la possibilité de fuir… et bien il suffit de ne pas engager le combat, si la situation se corse vous pouvez toujours courir alors bon ça ne change et rien.

Et par ailleurs, c’est NORMAL de pouvoir s’échapper ! Des grandes batailles de l’histoire aux duels les plus épiques, HEUREUSEMENT qu’il y a (presque) toujours l’option de fuir ! En tout cas ce qui fuit actuellement, c’est le plaisir. Désolé pour les fanatique du PVP, mais il n’y aura jamais, une fonction « combat sine missione » dans laquelle vous serez certains de pouvoir tuer le niveau 20 qui court tout nu fasse à votre armure lourde !

Cependant, je tiens à dire par soucis de sincérité, que je m’en fous complètement du PVP. Et comme j’ai l’intuition que les pleurs de cette catégorie de joueurs a amené le désastre, je méprise aujourd’hui un truc qui m’était insignifiant.

Bref, le coronavirus nous a enfermé, il est normal que le nombre de joueurs augmente. Donc si je peux utiliser mes heures d’activités pour moi, je vous prierai de ne pas oublier les joueurs qui pensent comme moi. Qu’on soit majoritaire (je pense même largement majoritaires au regard des sondages), ou même si on ne l’est pas !

En tout cas n’oubliez-pas que la majorité des mécontents, eux, ne se plaignent pas, ils n’esquivent pas, ils fuient !

Très respectueusement !

Google translation:

Hello all,

Sorry but this time I will speak first in my language, to be sure to say what I think, I will put a translation by google, but it may not be of high quality, I apologize in advance!

I have more than 5300 hours on Conan Exiles! I have practically all of the DLC and I’m not afraid to say that this game has literally merged for a long time with my DNA! I can say that I liked this game and that I have no intention of bashing for free.

I loved it until the destructive December update! After such a long marriage, it’s as if Funcom had stabbed the contract, radically changing something that had been achieved.

It destroyed my pleasure. Dodging is the dynamics of certain defenses, a foundation of the game on which many things are based. It’s as if an option has disappeared from the menu!

And that makes NOTHING more difficult. It takes a minimum of effort to adapt and stay efficient, but without the pleasure! The game offers “still” enough options to overcome anything (and please don’t destroy any advantage), from the moment you are ready, to play ALL in the SAME WAY.

It also has no correspondence with a real fight, neither formerly, nor in Hollywood … neither the old one, nor the new dodging system! In any fight, no one would roll without dying immediately!

So please forget any flawed argument desperately trying to rally realism, unless you are ready to argue about the flying rhino!

As for the possibility of fleeing … well just do not engage in combat, if the situation gets worse you can still run then good it changes and nothing.

And besides, it’s NORMAL to be able to escape! From the great battles of history to the most epic duels, HAPPY there is (almost) always the option to flee! In any case, what is currently leaking is pleasure. Sorry for the PVP fanatics, but there will never be a “combat sine missione” function in which you will be sure to be able to kill level 20 which runs naked while doing your heavy armor!

However, I want to say for the sake of sincerity, that I don’t care about PVP. And since I have the intuition that the tears of this category of players brought disaster, I despise today something that was insignificant to me.

In short, the coronavirus has locked us in, it is normal for the number of players to increase. So if I can use my activity hours for myself, please don’t forget the players who think like me. Whether you are in the majority (I even think that you are in the majority in the light of the polls), or even if you are not!

In any case, don’t forget that the majority of dissatisfied people don’t complain, they don’t dodge, they run away!

Very respectfully !

Other then this on testlive, no.

Stamina cost for dodging has been reduced for medium and light armors.

C’est un pas dans la bonne direction, oui et non, cependant je suis extrêmement heureux, vraiment, que Funcom se penche dessus. Cela réchauffe le cœur !

Le truc c’est que cela ne résout pas le problème fondamental de l’esquive-roulade qui restera « ni fun, ni efficace, ni crédible ».

Actuellement, on pourrait littéralement se passer de l’esquive une fois le périple achevé et cela ne changerait rien à la suite de l’aventure. La fonction pourrait pratiquement être non-assignée ! Sans aller jusque là, on se porte bien mieux une fois que l’on s’en est passé (ce que j’ai fait).

Même ré-introduire l’ancien système d’esquive à l’armure lourde (pas de côté) sur « toutes les armures actuelles » serait salutaire et je le souhaiterais en l’état.

L’idéal d’un combat et des options impliquées, est pour moi parfaitement représenté par l’affrontement entre la vipère et la montagne dans GoT. En late game on devrait pour être l’un des deux !

Ce qui implique que même avec des poignards, on ne devrait pas pouvoir faire un salto-arrière avec une armure lourde ! Il faut aussi le dire ! En revanche, en armure légère on devrait avoir d’autres options.

Là on est TOUS des MONTAGNES, avec ou sans armure, donc mieux vaut en avoir une grosse !!!

Google translation:

It is a step in the right direction, yes and no, however I am extremely happy, really, that Funcom is looking into it. It warms the heart!

The thing is that this does not solve the fundamental problem of dodge-roll which will remain “neither fun, nor effective, nor credible”.

Currently, we could literally do without the dodge once the journey is complete and that would not change anything following the adventure. The function could practically be unassigned! Without going that far, we get much better once we do without it (which I did).

Even re-introducing the old dodge system with heavy armor (not on the side) on “all current armor” would be beneficial and I would like it as it is.

The ideal of a fight and the options involved, is for me perfectly represented by the confrontation between the viper and the mountain in GoT. In late game we should be one of the two!

Which means that even with daggers, you shouldn’t be able to do a somersault with heavy armor! It must also be said! On the other hand, in light armor there should be other options.

Here we are ALL MOUNTAINS, with or without armor, so it’s better to have a big one !!!

They might fix things, if they ever decide to start listening to the players.

Doubt it though.


How should the devs listen to the player?

  • Mounts where implemented:
    PvP-player → Useless, only for PvE
    A few weeks later: Mounts are complete overpowered

  • Player visibility on a server:
    PvP-player → It kills the game (btw: nearly everything is killing the game) if my enemy see me online
    After the change:
    PvP-player → Ahh, I don’t see if someone is online, it kills the game (you see …)

And so on.
Whenever changes come to the game, there are some complete against it, some are absolut pro change and I think most of the player accept the change as it is and look to implement the change into the personal way to play the game.


People don’t like the dodge changes. They need to do something about it.

Mounts should have never been added in the first place. They were pretty unnecessary. As was the momentum-based shift in design.

As far as the visibility thing goes, that sounds like a joke anyways. It makes it sound like PVP players are a bunch of wimps. Boo hoo, my enemy knows I’m online. He is gonna come get me. Or else it’s boo hoo, I can’t see if someone is online, so I can’t target them.

En fait, Funcom ne peut pas satisfaire tout le monde, c’est très important de l’intégrer. Et même les joueurs ne le souhaiteraient pas, le jeu finirait par être complètement disparate et incohérent.

Il faut une vision globale et corriger régulièrement la trajectoire au regard de cette vision.

En tout cas ils nous laissent le droit de parole et ce n’est pas rien. Il n’y a qu’à regarder du côté de Blizzard par exemple pour se rendre compte qu’ils sont complètement « autistes », pas franchement « démocrates » et d’ailleurs le payent au prix fort !

C’est pour ça que j’écris, et merci Funcom de nous laisser le faire, même quand on est agacé !

Après le nerf de l’esquive constitue au sens radical « un changement ». Mais c’est un changement par destruction ce qui fait une catégorie singulière, au sens où cela fait disparaître quelque chose. Franchement, qui esquive maintenant ?

Ce qu’il y a, c’est qu’il faut en finir avec la croyance qu’un jeu ne peut « que » s’améliorer. Je connais un tas de jeu dont les patchs successifs ont tué l’âme du jeu, exemple certains jeux Paradox ou Kalypso.

Pour finir sur les majorités, je pense que dans ce monde consumériste, la majorité se contente d’aller ailleurs quand elle est insatisfaite. Il n’y a qu’une toute petite catégorie de « profiles psychologiques » dont je fais parti, ceux qui écrivent ici - qui discutent les choses. C’est franchement très difficile pour nous de cerner les majorités, autrement que par déductions approximatives.

Google translation:

In fact, Funcom cannot satisfy everyone, it is very important to integrate it. And even players would not want it, the game would end up being completely disparate and inconsistent.

You need a global vision and regularly correct the trajectory with regard to this vision.

In any case they leave us the right to speak and it is not nothing. You only have to look at Blizzard’s side for example to realize that they are completely “autistic”, not frankly “Democrats” and moreover pay it at a high price!

That’s why I’m writing, and thank you Funcom for letting us do it, even when we’re annoyed!

After the nerve of the dodge constitutes in the radical sense “a change”. But it is a change by destruction which makes a singular category, in the sense that it makes something disappear. Frankly, who is dodging now?

What there is is that we have to put an end to the belief that a game can “only” improve. I know a lot of games whose successive patches have killed the soul of the game, for example some Paradox or Kalypso games.

To finish with the majorities, I think that in this consumerist world, the majority are content to go elsewhere when they are dissatisfied. There is only a very small category of “psychological profiles” of which I am one, those who write here - who discuss things. It is frankly very difficult for us to identify the majorities, other than by approximate deductions.

Thank god gamers with criticism here.

What a relieve!

Some people don’t like the dodge changes. Other people do. What is the “something” that would please the majority? Please note that those who dislike the feature get more visibility because they’re the ones who post on the forums and social media. Those who are fine have less motivation to go out of their way to post “This is fine” except as a response to a thread amde by someone who doesn’t like the new dodge. And the tone of the discussion is usually decided by the opening post, so it looks like the “new dodge sucks” opinion is the default option and the “no, it’s fine” opinion is represented only be a handful of people.

People wanted mounts. Many people wanted mounts. In fact, so many people wanted mounts that Funcom reversed their earlier decision not to make mounts despite the effort and man-hours it took to make them happen.

Necessary or not, people wanted mounts. So far, none of the DLCs have been “necessary” either, and people seem to buy them.


I just want to say, and it is verifiable, that my first post here was to congratulate and thank Funcom !

True, that is exactly correct. However two slices of fine bread on either side, with relish, does not make an “complaint” sandwich much more tasty. The site will not allow me to post the actual definition, but you probably get my point :slight_smile:

Not saying you are wrong; I did not like the changes when they were rolled out but life (and game) does need to move on.

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MAJORITY dont like the changes u mean?

Only reason horses was possible to be implemented was to make movement changes because before devs said it was impossible to make mounts into the game. And really yes, people wanted mounts. But they probably didnt think that would be in such a sloppy way.

As soon u get up on a horse u will be a machine, u gonna make 50% of dmg to a player and also make them bleed, with every single hit from spear.
I can understand that they put throw them into the game and then wait for peoples response to fix the balance between horse and on foot PVP. But nope, it’s been 5 months since the release and no change at all to balancing it.

December update was a killing update for most of the PVP players. Both with momentum, dodge, and mounts.

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When ever something changes in the game it “kills PvP”.
So if this is true, how could the last change (in this case the movement change and the mounts) kill PvP, if every other changes in front of this change have even killed PvP?
How is FC able to kill PvP if it was still dead (at least if all the player which have announced the the dead of PvP in countless other threats at every other change/ nerf/ buff before the last update/ change are not just a bunch of whiner, crying PvP is dead because is does not longer fit their personal way to play the game)?

And even if last update has killed PvP, so it seems to be the right decision, because at least the over all numbers showing that more people playing CE as before.
And this then has to be a really big growing because after the update PvP was dead (again) and this new player the have to be all PvE players.


I can tell u one thing, u seem not to experienced in the PVP part of the game.

PvP before mounts was one of the best times since spear meta period. Then they nerfed daggers, spear, 2h-hammer, 2hsword (prob missed something) and it was starting to get worse with a slower gameplay, smaller skillgap and so on.
Than they added mounts, and with mounts came also new dodge and movement. They realised that the first release of the moment was totally garbage, so they fixed it a little bit, atleast so I and many more can live with it. BUT with a slower movement and a really bad dodge came a horse that’s twice as fast, possible to 1 hit you if u have lance, possible to turn very sharp and u kinda dont need any skill to use it at all it mostly numbers, and who’s hitting eachother first with the stupid hitbox that came with it that mathers.

Instead they could have kept the old dodge and movement to see how that would habe worked against horses. And added a new dodge for the heavy gear only. But no, like always doing to much instead of doing finetuning.
And we also have overpowered thralls but that’s another book that coming later probably.

You are right, I have no experience in PvP. And so I just ask myself how something can be get killed if it just dead right now (and this are not my description, it is from one of the countless threads).
The point is, that EVERY time something is changed PvP get killed, the game is dead and so on.
It is the wording.
How could someone (i.e. the devs) take you and all the other who declare the game, PvP, god and the universe as dead seriously if you read EVERY time after a change same whine of a part of the PvP community.
I have read a lot of constructive responses to changes. And if you ever have seen of the dev stream, you have seen that the devs will answer to constructive objection.
That’s the point. For heaven sake, stop to call the game or PvP or what ever as dead only if your personal view (or maybe your view and the view of you friends) have problems with the change/ update/ nerf or what ever.
And then you have a chance that your criticism will be taken seriously.

I like the dodge changes. Now it is actually a dodge and not a disengagement.


Okey, I kinda realised what im dealing with right now, like always. I’ve seen almost all dev streams, they mostly answering about PVE stuff, maybe because slacking in the knowledge of the PVP part. There was one guy Jens used to have in the stream that actually seemed to understand the PVP and had really good explanations in what and why stuff should change, he suddenly disappear. And this Alex show’s up. I’ve been asked Alex 1 question, and he lied to the whole stream with that short answer, and that’s why I cant take that guy serious anymore.
And the question was : why did you guys not say in patchnotes that u made the heavy attack on spear slower? (something like that). Answer was : It’s not slower it still the same.

It was in the time they changed the light attack from a swing to the poke we got right now. So there you got a explanation why some people dont trust FC.

Also, patchnotes is not showing off all changes that’s being done with the game, u kinda need to figure it out urself if you want to know all the changes that’s made.

And about the dead part, Idk it was never actually dead, but it was getting worse and worse, and people probably wanted to warn them before it was to late but nothing really happend. And now it feels like it is too late.

And again: This is your personal view of the game.
The game is changing with every extension, patch, update. And this changes keep the game alive.
If there were no changes, the game become static and this means dead.

I.e.: A game has only knifes until now. Then guns where implemented. You go with a knife to a gun fight and die. Nobody is surprised but you.
Same with the horses. For you this change is bad, because you still want to with fight with your knife.

If the game changes its dynamic you have to change yours, too.

And why this:

This is a defamatory statement. Do you know anybody from the devs? I assume not.
Are you really so childish that you think, they do not discuss and test changes?
The only argument you can say is that the devs look in another way on PvP then you.
And you don’t have to agree with their view but you have to accept that they see PvP in another perspective.

Hey there,

This was already addressed in this post:

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