Animal Pen broken ? * steal* pets

Game mode: Single-player | Co-op
Type of issue: | Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: [ Europe ]
Mods?: No
Edition: Steam

Bug Description:

I replace a tier 3 pen with an tier 1 animal pen, put 5 ! baby hyenas in it, wait a few minutes, came back and i get only 4 back …

I try it with striped and spotted pubs, all the same, put 5 in, get out 4
Put 4 in, get 3 out
Put 3 in, get 2 out

Installed Mods: nothing

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Step 1 take 5 hyena pubs
  2. Step 2 put it in the pen and wait
  3. Step 3 take a look at it and see 5 pubs
  4. Step 4 pen is finished, you will see only 4 pubs

Number 5 is not invisible, it is just gone

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Poor hyenas…
So yes, this is a bug, it’s apparently been there for a while… happened to me not long ago too.
It’s not the Pen that is broken, it’s the Hyenas… the ones disappearing would’ve been Greater Hyenas, if they RNGd to become Greater ones, then they instantly vanish as training finishes. The pen works for other pets


oh that´s crap :frowning: thank you.

It was the first time afte a while, that i try to get little stinkers.

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