Animation bug (Clothes + hair)

Game mode: [Enter game mode here: Single-player]
Type of issue: [Enter one of the following: Bug]
Server type: [Enter one of the following: Single-player]
Region: [EU]

I just bought the game some weeks ago and I am really disappointing to see that there are still, 3 years after launch, some hugh graphical troubles.

This bug appears on my thrall (in-game and in the inventory screen) and in the inventory screen of my character.

Hair and clothes of some thrall are statics… or streching ! For some thrall everything is OK but for other everything is wrong. If the thrall is “bugged” he seems to have both issues.

Static equipement/hair is boring but not as much as stretching equipement as it looks like if there is a black hole distortion (seems that I can’t upload picture as new member -_-’).
Equipments that seems particularly subject to awful streching:

  • Derketo Acolyte Skirt
  • Aquilonian Infantry Pteruges
  • equipment with “slats”

For the inventory screen (thrall and character), it seems that the problem can be solved with switching equipement.
For the thrall, in-game, it seems to be impossible to solve the problem.

The bug regarding static hair/equipment seems to be an already known bug.
The bug regarding stretching equipment (really really boring) seems to be linked. I didn’t found topic about it.

I didn’t found solution to that problem without modding the game so if someone has a trick.

I don’t expect miracles. We can read in some forum that this bug is known from d1 !
The raging point is that the team seems to have time to adjust thralls leveling and characteristics for PvP balance… but it’s radio silence on basic graphical issues on which a lot of people are complaining on and that completely destroy the immersion in the universe…

@ Funcom: Please, can you fix it soon and let the community know about your investigation on this point ?

No particular steps. A lot of topic raise a lot of suggstion about the root of the bug. Most likely it seems to be a measurement trouble.

This bug is in the game since day one, I guess.

You character is not on height 1.00

Simply change you characters height to exactly 1.00
and you´ll be fine.

Isn’t there any solution for thrall but to use a mod like CharEditLite and set the height of thrall ?

Perfect for singleplayer:

is still updated,
and is running on a whole lot of private servers.


OK, thank you very much ! =)

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