Anyone else see the problem here?

I dont have any problem i have all bazar stuff :partying_face:

Arenā€™t they pulled directly from the dev kit?

I think so. I know they have it set to automate as much as possible which works until funcom changes how a fundamental system works, like weapon effects tags or now loot table tags.

Iā€™ve always felt sorry for the wiki people, especially after 3.0.

It seems funcoms idea of ā€œnew contentā€ is going to be just reworking every system in the game (whether it needs it or not really) and thus every 3 months the information is going to radically change. Even with the automation its probably damn near impossible to keep up with.


Iā€˜ve never seen a game developer being this disrespectful towards their player base, they donā€˜t respect the effort and enormous amount of time weā€˜ve spent on this game. We are willing to spent thousands of hours to grind stuff, and then they change it!?
They just donā€™t respect our time :man_shrugging:

Your complaint is wrong. The issue is not that changes happen, but that said changes are terrible.

Funcom has been very consistent at making features from Conan Exiles irrelevant or uninteresting through updates. And recently, theyā€™ve butchered well-established systems, albeit imperfect, like the Stamina System.

If they had actually made an improvement with a better Stamina System, only a few would have complained ā†’ The few people who will always complain at any change, because ā€œit was better beforeā€ no matter what.

I would love for Spears to get a new moveset, a more interesting one, something that makes you want to do something else than roll + pokeā€¦ But if Funcom does it, it will most likely be wrong, when a good change could have been made.
ā†’ For instance, the Katana has been changed to actually have a Heavy Attack, and most people welcomed that change! That was one of the few good changes made these past few years :+1:

TLDR: Change is not an issue if you change for the better, but Funcom changes Conan for the worseā€¦ Consistently :+1:

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