Just when i think the devs are done ruining their own game they make it pay to play. The most powerful spears in the game… 93/21 spears and 101/17 spears you can only use if you buy the dlc. What a joke. How stupid can these people be. No wonder your game gets ddossed and exploited all day long. This is pure trash at its finest. Funcom you guys really are garbage these days.
Already been confirmed as a bug.
Oh. That is news to me. Time line for quick fix?
Can you provide a screenshot with spears in question? Your post doesn’t say much.
I can try. I forums from my computer and screen shots are on my ps. Its the dlc spear that starts with a V i believe
Already found out. It’s blood crystal, vanir spear and aesir spear. They are indeed almost double the damage of a normal spear that costs the same materials.
There will be a patch on 5th oct that will fix the spears. You can find the info here:
To be addressed in next patch, scheduled for Oct 5:
- Imbalance with some two-handed spears
But is it? These P2W weapon and armor mistakes are happening far to consistently for it to be accidental.
One is a twitch freebie.
One was battle pass, free to most everyone after the first one.
So P2W? Technically I guess. I have 2 of them but certainly didn’t pay for them; in anything other then time.
The best way to fix an issue is to not introduce it in the first place.
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