Anyone found the Siptah equivalent to the EL silver mine stone harvest area

Ok so those of you who a know about the silver mine usually know about the crazy stone corner area beside the second bend on the cart rails in the silver mine with the MOTHER LOAD of stone all jam packed together (think it’s sound 25000 stone you can walk out with in 10mins (with a good 5000 coal, and like 15000 iron ore, silver mine my ass😝)

So has anyone found anything similar in Siptah, or in siptah where would you say the best stone harvesting area to be?

Let’s hear what folks got


In Siptah resources are generally more spread out, but from my experience the best concentration of rocks is around the tower walls and also around most of the stretched hills on the outskirts there, but there are no mother loads like in Exiled lands and definitely not like that corner in silvermine :grin:


There’s a gold heavy area on the SW island in a hidden crevice in the center. Hard to find though as its murky.

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Ah gold im set on, what I’m looking for is the massive stone mother load on the island, the silver mine part probably makes the post misleading since the best stone harvest is in one corner of that mine on EL

Are you referring to the area in the jungle? That’s the only real silver area and there’s a few places in Siptah that have nearly the same number of nodes?

There’s a legit silver mine near sepermuru just also has massive amounts of iron, stone and coal as well, it’s better for stone then silver since 5 mins will net you well over 25000 stone

Huh, I’d only seen the few silver nodes by the waterhole.

Go into here in encumber build, and a few legendary repair kits you wont be sorry, you’ll never go anywhere else for stone, iron and coal, trust me on that one

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Silver is rare on Siptah. I farm outside the vaults for silver, gold, brimestone, black ice. Those resources are always around them.

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The area around the forge of the 1st men has the most coal I’ve ever seen, enough to keep surpluses for multiple bases. There’s plenty of iron and brimstone, too. There’s some gold in the spiders area, and the obsidian nodes along the chasms below yield a bit more. There’s no shortage of stone in any of the areas.

If you need silver in particular, there’s the most around vaults on the east end of the island, particularly Wolf, Serpent and Bat.

I strongly disagree, gold and silver is the easiest resources found on Siptah, I can easily harvest 1000 nuggets of both in less than 15 minutes :grin:


Yup, if your tools are upgraded all the way there’s about 1,000 ore at each Vault - on average. For example there’s about 2,000 near the Bat Vault and about 500 near the Fiend Vault, and near zero near the Snake Man Vault etc, like that. And they’re not all in the same place - but typically within 100m of the Vault opening on one side or another.

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I always get there over the mountain from Strandwatch. There’s loads of silver, gold, iron, sitting right on top of the vault.


Oh, good to know! I thought there was only a river in back and cliffs in front. So far I’ve only approached it like this [in purple]… Sounds like I need to explore a bit more.

True. Exile lands has some farming places that Siptah doesn’t.
True Siptah has the materials spread all around the map, especially when it comes to silver and gold, especially gold that Exile lands do not have gold ores.
But, in Siptah you have so many flotsams, so many bearer pack drops, so many bearer pack on chests, that this make Siptah more rewarding than Exile lands.
Just from farming chests, flotsam, vaults, etc… You gain so many materials or ingredients without even using your pick. I transform my whole house on tier 3 on 8080 almost without fixing bricks. I looted them .
I have one chest of gold and silver on 8013 without farming them, just looted them.
I never fixed alchemical base in Siptah, I looted it.
Like I said, Siptah is very rewarding when it comes to materials. The camps and the vaults can give you soooo many materials, different materials and ingredients , so you need to spend almost 0 time with your harvesting tools.
So I see no necessity in Siptah for various farming points.
Why should I use my axe chopping trees and not chopping heads :rofl::rofl::rofl:.

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It is necessary to climb up to the side of the entrance to the Vault, there is an excellent platform for the base, 5-6 sources of silver, the same amount of gold, a lot of iron, there is also coal. Still rams roam, food is available)))

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I think the reason there’s no one massive mine is that the presence of gold and silver ores is supposed to indicate that you’re coming close to something nasty.

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