Anyone Interested in Salads?

Just for a bit of food varieties, why are not we be provided with options to prepare leafy meals for ourselves? True that we already have aloe soup and seed soup but how about something leafy as well that can be chewed too? :laughing: Maybe Funcom should add these new recipes on the recipe books as currently on Exile Lands.


The thread is now closed, but I am all for some fruit and Fruit Trees if you are interested.


We are babarians we dont eat the food of our food

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Well…if you cook meat with fruit…it is something to change the way you eat and a nice flavour.

I only joking and its give vegi food like alo soup ive you forgot you make. The soup whitout the meat and creul


Actually aloe soup does require meat. First you make the soup (which requires feral flesh), then you add the aloe. Maybe you scoop the chunks out while adding the aloe?

I’m interested in more food variety in general. Would love to see more fruit and vegetables in game


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