Anyone know how to fix this issue?

Happens usually after a server restart, once I

all of the square foundations seem to have no physics, can walk into them but it will push me back out shortly after and if I step on them it makes me float.

What usually works for me is to either relog or go far enough away and come back.

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Relogging works sometimes, but I can try the moving away. Thanks for the tip!


As @CodeMage says - as all my bases tend to be a little on the larger size, every time I log on (Exiled Lands and Siptah early-access), I always duck back to the main screen and right back into the server. Works 99.7% of the time - and that 0.03% is likely because Crom hates me.

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I’ve noticed it happens more often when you hit the Continue button from the Launcher than if you just launch the game and select your server. Not sure if this is just a fluke or not.

Oh yeah, I never do the Continue. Weirdly, I have noticed that it does not happen so much if I use the Launcher vs. just using the direct game link.

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I stopped using the Continue button on the launcher and haven’t had it happen since, seems like it’s an issue with that.

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