AOItems is be back up!
Please let me know if there are any issues.
Known issues:
AOItems is at patch 18.8.22. Will look into updating it when I get time.
- Helpbot Store doesn’t work
- Logins/registration is broken. It will be removed, as there is no practical use for it any more. Any user data associated with it has been deleted on my end.
- Widget: Item Value doesn’t work. It might be developed into a workable state, it might not.
- Search
- Searching by item type “weapon” doesn’t work
Search appears to be broken right now, getting a “500 Internal Server Error” when attempting to search. It was working about 15 minute ago though.
Login link via AO-U is broken, too (nto sure of the status of that in general)
now I am getting “No input file specified.”
The poor thing was overloaded.
Logins are broken (and don’t give any benefits any more), and will be removed soon-ish.
Any hope of an “auno” style equip configurator?
You’re going to love me by the end of this.
Effect and attribute drop downs are greyed out on the item search, looks like a broken connection to that table in the db.
AOItems is currently down/unstable, and I’ll look into it more tomorrow.
Second problem found & fixed. Should hopefully be smooth sailing from here on. knocks on wood
Looks a bit better but seems to just not like it when I try and search, was working ok for about an hour but now search seems to be completely down
I was doing some final adjustments, sorry about that. It should be a-ok and performing as it used to, before it went down for several weeks.
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Appears that searching under weapons category gives me the internal server error
Just a suggestion; since you’re listing nanos, perks, etc per profession, what about procs overview?
Fixed several issues, updated OP.
- HistoryModule now shows all patches in the list/table view (it used to skip the most recent patch because that had its own throne at the top)
- CastBy, ProcBy, RequiredBy and UploadedBy widgets now display icon + name, not just name
- Once again removed the ShopWidget, as it’s defunct
- Removed all account-related things.
- Removed the extra ad which were displayed for not-logged-in users.
- Technical: Updated a lot of dependencies to most recent versions. Apparently, nothing broke.
Wonder if anyone ever discovered the “easter egg”, but:
If you have a link to or xyphos dot com, it’s (usually) safe to replace those domain names with “” (keep the rest of the URL) and the correct item or nano/perk listing will be shown.
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I noticed it and I love it 
I mostly use it when I find instruction discs, for example Instruction Disc (Stare of Cerberus). I know that Stare of Cerberus no longer exists, so I look it up on auno: NanoCrystal (Stare of Cerberus). Then I change the link to aoitems and I see that it now makes Nano Crystal (Hide of the Wolf).
Woot ! WTB Demoder for GD on AO 
(Just joking, don’t wanna blackhole your weeks)
Will AOWiki ( ever be scraped again for links?