AoW Ch 3 Public Beta bugs report:

I’m putting all the bugs/jankiness I discovered in my playtest below:


Trading with the Zamorian Barkeeper will not let you hit enter in order to trade, you have to manually click the button to get items one at a time. (I mostly play on xbox so I don’t know if this is just a pc thing)

Personal Thralls sitting on chairs will keep their sitting animation when attacking enemies that get too close to them.

When sitting on a chair by the tavern keeper, interacting with the tavern keeper causes you to teleport to a standing position.

Hiring NPCs from the tavern will cause them to vanish and teleport to a random location a few moments later which feels janky.

Going in and out of render distance causes new NPCs to pop up in place of the old ones.

Isscar the Sellsword’s dialogue is misorganized when I talk to him in the tavern.

Raid Base:

Any scrolls that are not picked up during the raid seem to double up. You can pick up a scroll from the same spot multiple times.

Demolition enthusiasts will notice that the Hand of War will not drop down if the platform he is standing on is destroyed.

Commander Bakt-Nimlot is standing inside of a chair when you first enter his throne room.


Out of 15 purges I did, 5 of them on maximum difficulty, the tavern keeper did not spawn once in the cages.

Good to know it does in fact spawn! I think that percentage needs to be higher though.

Can confirm this. Didn’t understand why the scroll could be picked up multiple times, but that theory sounds good.

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