Aqilonian DLC mats

Any chance on a post telling what types of materials the new building style will use so we can start farming today?
I’ve got a little of everything stored up so far but we have a public Coliseum on our official server that we want to do in the marble.

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I got 5000 smiling bricks, wondering if they should get baked with a fresh coat of consolidant.

Got 5000 iron wondering if they ought to be reinforced, or hardened.

Yepp, that would be nice to know! :slight_smile:

Will the Aquilonian DLC priced the same (9.99) as the Khitan DLC ?

Then again, we will know soon enough. It’s no big deal converting lower tier to higher tier.

Just downgrading isn’t possible, therefore keep things raw and flexible :stuck_out_tongue:

3556 lol come at me bro

I share your excitement!!! :smiley:
But remember the Rome was not built overnight :3

It’s gonna be awhile till the next DLC (after the Aquilonian one), let alone the Jhebal Sag Update, so relaaax! Pace yourself :3

I believe it is to be a tier three building style based on what we saw with the Khitan DLC – which required same mats as reinforced stone. I surmise it will be the same with the Aquilonian building materials. It wouldn’t make sense for it to be black ice mats… as the Aquilonian style seems to be closer to Greco-Roman architecture constructed in warmer climates.

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Ugh I just started upgrading my arena to Stonebrick (aesthetic choice) but I’ll likely end up making it marble.

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I am very much looking forward to some marbled architecture :slight_smile: I’ll probably be upgrading our clan’s main base with it.

What server? asking for a friend, maybe I should check up to make sure you counted it right…

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