Archery is broken since this pach


Can you please look at this? Previous settings was ok.

I have made a test, a bearer 4 level 0 with silent legion, 6500 HP. I have to use 75 star metal arrows to kill him (+acid and poison arrows effects a the same time). Dragon bone bow + spike. Perk 40 accuracy.

Thralls are now really gods …

I suggest to put all servers PVE only. Then no need to nerf treb, bombs, archery, weapons anymore. No more raids, no more attacks, case closed.

Did you test on SP or official. I believe friendly fire is in effect for officials, which means reduced damage. The only way to test is to have someone on your server shoot the same. they did remove the OP nature of 4th perk to move the game back to melee and not a shooter, but i haven’t tested to see how much yet.

I just test SP.

The game move back to melee? Ok, but how can I kill a T4 fighter thrall level 20 with armor, weapons, … wihtout arrows? Impossible.

This game is turning into PVE only, all raiding is nerfed.

2 wrongs don;t maek a right. It has been discussed that many PVPers feel Thralls damage output is severely OP. And Funcom has stated feedback would be considered, and passes (changes) would be made if they agree.

So, basically I am saying making bows do more damage to kill OP thralls caused them to 2-3 shot players, removing any immersion of a CONAN world, where the steel of a blade should be the determining factor in battle, not shooting from 50 yards a way like some Call of Duty;Sherwood Forrest game.

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