Arcos tells you to go north

Sooo, should I just sit down and shut up? You may disagree with me, but the facts still remain, and this is the suggestions section of the forums, so I will suggest whatever I wish to suggest, however hilarious it is for you; and if you are comparing an ancient stone that appears to be talking generically and not to you specifically, to an NPC that addresses you directly, I think you are creating a false equivalence.

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Hang on there chief.
Just what do you mean “specific and clear direction”.
Do you by any chance remember what that “you should go north” suggestion happened to be following up on during what he was talking about?
If you don’t mind, paste his entire dialog here once more.
Let’s pick it apart.

You should compare that dialog to Razma’s Journals and that annoying Staff of the Triumvirate you pick up out of the sewers. Except that staff will get you into a whole lot more trouble.
Their directions for getting out of the Exiled Lands are just as vague as Arcos’ suggestion about going north.

You are falsely mislead by what other people said , Arcos the Wanderer has changed since he was firstly introduced 

is this the Arcos the wanderer you came accros ?

or maybe when he cut his hair making him vulnerable to knock with a trucheon ?

or is was he this better dressed more recent version standing still at his little settlement ?

the version we have now , is the last one obviously , he was clothed up differently , and his dialogue was refined 

also a word of Joel Bylos (creative director of conan exiles) explaining his vision for quest given by npc :

" so you find NPC’s in the world , and they tell you about things , and hmm I guess it’s a little like DarkSouls, you have to put together the pieces yourself !

So there is no quest and nobody’s going to tell you to go there and do that ! "


: there are plenty of rude remarks in almost every one of your replies and comments, too many for me to quote. It is possible to be candid and kind at the same time regardless of your stance. You called yourself as someone viewed as belligerent. I agree with that assessment.

Overall I’ve seen you putting words in others’ mouths, stating things that never happened, condescending, accusatory, moving goalposts for your intent once new information is presented, even appears you’re confusing us with each other/maybe viewing us as one entity. There appears to be no sincerity or goal to have discussions (regardless of disagreements) with your peers unless they agree with you. This may be the Feedback section but you should be informed that the majority of engagement will be with other players. Since you started engaging on the forums I thought it was your personality. We all make snap judgements, mistakes and misinterpret; IMHO everyone should be given the benefit of the doubt until they don’t give reason to.

I do believe that your own self-imposed playstyle colors your stance under the guise of helpfulness. The bias mentioned above.

They fixed the bloodletter shield, of which you brought forth. It was valuable feedback and it even got a mention in patchnotes, pretty significant for both you and the CE Staff I would think? It wasn’t a matter of opinion, it was a fact that the bloodletter shield experienced character model clipping issues. It’s just one small thing sure but it was bothering you.

Nothing wrong with warning other players as a player. You’re not actually doing that though. You’re suggesting Funcom change the dialogue.

So, facts vs. opinions. There is a tipping divide among all those who have engaged so far in this thread. The only real facts are that Arcos exists on noob river and has dialogue with suggestions. Not that traveling north is entirely a matter of course - that is your opinion. There are too many variables and interpretations; this is not an RPG/MMO, it’s a sandbox survival game where you choose what you do, how you do it, why you do it, where you go and when.

Hell, you don’t even have to complete the steps to remove your bracelet if you don’t want to, which is arguably the end goal of the game. I’ve done it once out of curiosity, not because I felt compelled to based on lore and dialogue.

Never told you anything remotely close. I really don’t get what you mean by “take it”, take what?

Awesome, please do. I can add more to the Bugs and Issues list as long as I can see clear reproduction and impact. I’m not really that picky. Like the bloodletter shield.

I am not seeing the mockery, truly. Confusion, exasperation in reaction to your overall behaviour and incredulity at the suggestion, sure.

No not offended however I am sad that you’re so combative. There is a muting function in the forums that may be to your benefit.

Thanks for explaining. I think we all learned that eventually, as will new players regardless of heeding Arcos’ suggestion, ignoring it or never speaking to him.


You stomped out on me, what ever happened, is it my cologne? Here you are again? Your credibility isn’t exactly
 credible. A man’s word is all he really has, once he loses that, he is nothing. Or was it the compelling allure to chip away at my argument?

I may very well be mistaken, that would not surprise me, so I shall stop speaking about him being a fluke, thank you for the correction. However, this is peripheral information that has no relation whatsoever to the point of the thread.

No it’s the rancid odor of someone so full of themselves that he thinks he can tell people their threads is not a bug report while he can’t just admit he should have taken things differently , you see when I said that yesterday (for me ) I was tired and I already knew that whatever proof that you may be mislead in your reasoning , would not change a thing to your “opinion” , and therefore is a waste of time to even try , but I can’t let misleading facts astray especially in a time where finally the Conan Exiles crew is focusing on fixing bugs , and might lose time reading your thread and fixing something that doesn’t really need to be instead of real bugs. that’s all no more no less.

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There is a muting option? Thanks, I’ll find it and make good use of it.

Regarding your reply, I stand by the argument made in this thread, I read nothing substantial here to rebuke the fact Arcos gives you deadly advise if you are new, you may disagree with the argument and not view matters as i do, but fact is a fact, going north out of the gate is bad advice. If you didn’t speak to him, fine, you were spared.

When I said FUNCOM won’t fix squat, I think you would agree it was within a pretty sppecific context, should you remember, I was not speaking about any other issue, but of course, that is not convenient for you because you wanted to add arguments to the pile. Yes, they fixed my shield, what the hell does that have to do with Arcos?

I pay no heed to your civility lessons, btw, you can keep them. Speaking of which, that function to mute someone? I’d appreciate it if you used it on me, I have no tolerance for snowflakes.

Take what? Well, what the thread talks about, and all the other bugs

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Suggestion section, buddy, not bug reports.

The proof you showed was about my mistake about a fluke, you showed no proof of squat other than that where I was wrong and I thanked you for it. Argument still stands, Arcos telling you to go north is bad advice.

Grow a spine, do what you said you were gonna do, just keep scrolling passed my posts. That is the rancid smell you speak of: you.


Going north out of the gate is bad advice for a newer player, I think only Anderson suggested it is good advice. I’m not Anderson.

I mentioned about Funcom fixing things because you suggested they don’t and it would be stupid to believe they do. I gave you example where they did. I was happy they listened to you because it was based on a fact, a bug, that required addressing.

I used that as an example to rebut your statement and to support my stance that your suggestion is not based on a fact. A comparison. The rules of the forum cover staying on topic but this doesn’t mean having tunnel vision my dude.

I don’t get how I am a snowflake. And no, I’m not muting you.

I don’t know what this means, it is not obvious.

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My apologies for the confusion, you are correct.

I will say it again, the context of the commentary about FUNCOM not fixing squat, it was obvious I was speaking about the fact I know they won’t fix Conan twitching, wich insults me deeply since i went to the premier of Conan the Barbarian and the movie built a small shrine in my soul. I was speaking about Arcos, I was told to shush because they are not going to fix it, and I responded I wasn’t expecting them to fix squat, within the frame of the discussion. If you didn’t follow, I am sorry.

Snowflake: Lacks a hide, gets offended easily, lectures others about civility. Would you be so kind as to tell me how this mute function works? I cannot find it, and I’d like to start.

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Thanks, I’m glad things are a bit clearer. Appreciate you explaining how you came about the statement about Funcom as it was not obvious to me as you were replying to me at the time, this is why I didn’t follow.

As for snowflake I don’t agree but see how you might see that. I comment often about how people treat each other on here because we’re left to our own devices and sometimes it can be quite cut throat. Especially in consideration of disagreements as a symptom of the state of the game. If you’re not aware, I had started a group to band players together with the common interest of concern for the future of the game; stability, more communication, quashing bugs, etc.,
 The reason I did this is because I saw the infighting that was happening and thought a united front would help to communicate the love of the game (regardless of differences in every respect). Despite our disagreements and even if you mute me, you’re welcome to join us if you’re so inclined.

Admittedly, I do find it a bit funny especially being a battle hardened PVP player :sweat_smile:

Anyway, muting is simple and ignoring is better if you don’t want to read what others say: click on the portrait of any forum user > click on their name/portrait > click on right hand drop down “Normal” > select either Muted or Ignored.

Caution, muting only stops notifications from a user. Ignoring hides their contributions but you can open them up. Neither stops you from truly seeing their engagement. Nor does it stop them from seeing what you post.

If you’re done engaging with a post at the bottom there is a drop down called “Tracking”, you can mute a post as well.

Thank you kindly

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Done, thank you, that felt liberating.

Pardon me, “
welcome to join us” in what endeavor?

Depends when you played

Hyenas have been super easy for a long time
 they hit slightly harder with later updates. I took my Bro north, Didn’t have much issue. (1st time playing a Surv game)

Heading North into wrong spot will teach you a lesson real quick
 which could also be the point.

You’d also get up there and bump into green wall (that got removed) and see Ghosts waving back on other side.

"Another new one, eh? I can smell it on you. Veterans tend to smell just a little more like despair. I’m Arcos, once a sailor, now a wanderer. You didn’t think you were the only one, did you? Hah! You should go north, there’s whole cities of Exiles up there. "

Thou it makes little sense at launch
 do to greenwall. And Dogs of Desert just want you died

As you says
 if you wanna see others, go north of curious. Maybe he thought you were made of better stuff since you got off cross. XD

I’ll PM you

I started playing well after all the updates to the map had been made. Even after the Age of Ages had started (specifically, Age of Sorcery Chapter 2). Did I talk to Arcos in the beginning? Sure did. Did I think his idea of going north sounded good? No. I was already struggling with what was RIGHT there and I had no clue how anything worked. I sure as shit wasn’t going to venture far beyond the “beginner” zone when I only knew how to make stone weapons and even a black kappa could kick my ass. Arcos made it clear this land was dangerous. He might “advise” to go north but I very much read it in a sarcastic “ha, you should go north if you think this is bad, there are whole cities of people waiting to kick your ass and those are cities full of “civilized” people, not just naked exiles trying to avoid unpleasant sunburns”

“Okay heaven, maybe you’re an old-hat at survival games” you might say. Nope. Conan Exiles is the first (and only) survival game I’ve ever played. The genre itself has never really interested me. I was gifted the game from a friend that I used to play an MMO with who was hoping we might find another game to play together. I ended up trying to out alone to see what it was before we ended up creating a server together and fell in love with it. (Oh, how I miss those days).

I say this to point out that NO, not all players will behave the same. I don’t dispute this was YOUR experience, but I certainly don’t think that means an NPC needs to be updated and dialogue needs to be changed because some players make different choices that may be detrimental.


When I first started playing (in Early Access), I boldly ventured north from the Broken Highway where I was first freed from the cross. The first NPC I ran into was an imp. It was unfriendly and attacked me, yelling “hurr durr durr!” at me in a mocking tone. I hadn’t managed to craft a weapon yet, so I had to try to fight it bare-handed, and ended up dying (I tried to run away and fell off a cliff). It was a terribly negative experience and ruined my day.

I guess I should’ve gone south from the Broken Highway. It would’ve been a lot more painless, but no-one told me where to go. Or otherwise Conan should have gently held my hand and brought me with him to a safe place with him, rather than left me alone to survive in a bloody survival game.

Funcom please fix!


TLDR - it’s too long

I went to his place (10 mins ago, oficial PVE so no mods) and his only mention about the north was the one about the amber bracelets
But he warned me right from the start that not everyone I meet is a friend.

So what’s the problem


Lol I imagine the scene from here 

 Dixaines of half -naked players holding hands by following Conan towards the supermeru bar.
It is true that Funcom did not tell us that there were ferocious hiyens and canibal on our way (there is worse by the way), why aren’t you put on a muzzle?

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This, this is what’s wrong. Your argument about amber bracelets in the north is woven into the conversation about arcos going around the border of the wall. This, instead, is the first thing he tells you.