Various newbie questions that I wasn't sure how to search for- Generally "what to do next"

Hi everybody,

I’ve been playing for a few weeks now and I’m really enjoying the game but I have some questions you might have thoughts on. Conan Exiles is drastically different from the kinds of games I usually play and I was trying to mix things up and give myself some variety, so some of these questions may seem a bit dull. I’m presently at level 30, playing on a PvE official server, and on a PS4.

  1. Generally speaking, how am I supposed to figure out where to go at a given point in the game? For example: I presently have a goal on my screen saying I need to kill the Abysmal Remnant. I wound up having to look up what that was and where it was. Not that looking it up was difficult, but I was left feeling like I should have been able to figure this out on my own and I either forgot to talk to somebody or didn’t read some key piece of information somewhere. How exactly was I supposed to know where The Dregs are, or that the Abysmal Remnant is in there? I’ve done a decent amount of exploring and I’ve talked to everybody who hasn’t tried to kill me, but I still didn’t know.

  2. The place I built my house initially is relatively far to the south and there are no iron ore veins to be found down there. As a result, every time I run out I have to go on some lame quest to the north to find it, then bring back as much as I can carry- which often isn’t as much as I really want to have on hand due to encumbrance limits. I wouldn’t mind rebuilding my house, but I like everything else about the location. Am I screwed, or will some mechanic that gets exposed later in the game help me solve this?

  3. There’s another player’s Pleasure Palace of Deretko on my map, near my house. I walked there today and found that I could use its map to teleport to The Dregs. Cool, because that’s actually where I wanted to go, but I don’t understand why I was able to use this when I normally can’t use another player’s stuff at all.

  4. I wandered into some dungeon deep in the east early in the game and died there, which resulted my ressurection selection having “dungeon” as an option in addition to bed, bedroll and desert. Then I died in The Dregs and that did NOT happen, much to my chagrin. Does The Dregs not count as a dungeon?

  5. I’ve been very reliant on looting my old corpses when I die because I often have rare (to me) gear that I acquired after a significant fight. This has left me in the irritating situation where if I die somewhere particularly dangerous, I can’t get back there because I now don’t have my gear- and if I have extra gear it’s back at my house so I’ll have to travel all the way to my original location again. I’ve noticed some posts saying people don’t usually even bother retrieving their corpses’ gear, but if that’s the case, how do you approach dungeons or difficult areas where you expect to die a lot?

  6. I noticed that there are servers marked “role playing,” which implies that it’s possible to speak to other players. I’m not sure I’ve actually encountered other players, but if I do, is there some way to like, type messages out or something? Again, I’m on a PS4 and a PvE server.

  7. Anybody have a good intermediate-ish guide or video I should check out?

About #2: Try to catch and ‘tame’ a bearer thrall (those people who have a large backpack). After the bearer has been broken on a wheel of pain, have him or her follow you.
You can load stuff into the bearer’s inventory that would flatten your character if you tried to carry it yourself :wink:

About #3: Elevators and maprooms of other players are always accessible to all players that can physically reach them, AFAIK.

Sorry, I cannot help much with the other questions…

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Ah, excellent, thank you.

So far, the only thralls I’ve acquired have been fighters of one sort or another. Based on this map, however, there’s one pretty close to my house!

Be aware that higher tiered bearers have a bigger inventory.

If you open the screen for your journey steps and select the one you’re interested in, it will provide some more detailed text about what’s involved and hints that’s more than just the one line. The ones with “?” won’t provide info until you’ve progressed further.

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  1. No, there isn’t really a way you could have known where the Dregs/Remnant was or what it was. Other than exploring, and more exploring. This is a barebones guidance type of game. As Megaton mentioned, open to the Journey and you’ll get a bit more info, but you’ll still be wandering around a lot.

  2. For iron, they’ve added a lot of iron in the south. I would recommend using for a reference guide to resources, locations, etc. There is a lot of iron to be had in the south, it’s just spread out. As far as moving your house goes, you can either go the moving route or just have more than one house. I have 4. Eventually, you’ll pretty much have to move north for certain resources (unless you enjoy 20 minutes of cross-map running). Check out the area around New Asagarth (the ring in the north, surrounded by green), or the Plains (just southeast of that, on the Desert side).

  3. You can’t use other players doors/crafting stations. But certain items are open, as the other person mentioned, elevators and maprooms. Be thankful, because maprooms for early players are expensive.

  4. Only certain dungeons give you the option to respawn in the dungeon. Actually, most of them don’t. I’m guessing you found your way into the Dagon dungeon, a relatively recent addition. Generally, when you go into an instance just assume you won’t be able to easily get back if you die. It’s a safer assumption.

  5. I’m not sure how many people don’t loot their corpse, I usually head back to mine. It really depends on what you were carrying and where you died. As you gain more stuff, it’s a good idea to choose your items based on what you’re doing. For example, on an exploration run maybe you take good armor and weapons in case you find something difficult. But if you’re headed out on an iron run, keep it light.
    If you have something good you don’t want to lose, sometimes it means you stay out of certain areas. For example, I wouldn’t go in a dungeon alone until you have a pet or thrall. I’ve lost tons of armor and weapons because I went somewhere and then had to decide if I felt like running all the way back through that BS. Unfortunately, it’s the nature of the game.

  6. RP servers are a mixed bag. If you find one that has a good community, great. But if you find a dead one, it’s pretty useless. If you want more player interaction and RP, I would recommend going to Reddit or finding the community somewhere else rather than testing in game. Just keep in mind that RP servers can get weird real fast.

  7. A couple of things I keep open while I’m playing: The wiki has tons of articles on tons of stuff, and if you find something missing post it here, someone can update it. I’m trying to get into Wiki stuff myself :grinning:
    As far as guides and videos, I would recommend checking out the Wiki (if you’re ok with piecing the info together on your own) or for videos check out Firespark or Vaniverse gaming on Youtube. They both do various guides, and if you check past videos they have starter videos (like first 30 minutes in Conan, levelling guides, Vaniverse has a guide to the whole Journey process, etc.).

I would just note that even with the videos and stuff, this game can have a bit of a learning curve at times. You can either approach it as everything is expendable, or be more cautious and careful (which will be a bit slower). It’s a really deep game in some aspects.

  1. Exploration, sometimes having luck in finding first lore stone speaking about the place. Truly, the game do not allow you an easy way, it’s not an RPG with quest markers etc., it’s a survival suggesting you next thing to do (and sometimes do not them in that order, because going to kill the Kinscourge when you don’t have the level to learn the recipes the dungeon grants you if you win could be a valid reason for a rage quit when you think you have to come back again after leveled :wink: )

  2. capture a bearer like @Starwalker said (higher tier they have more slot they have), or tame a pet to help you in transport problems. But you’re level 30 now, so best thing you can do is going near The Den, speaking with the Child of Jhebbal Sag and learning “Midnight Alchemist” recipe wich allows you to craft Potion of Bestial Memory, this will reset only your attributes, allowing you to switch from your normal character build to a “farm build” :wink:
    Obviously at your level ingredients could be a little hard to find, and be aware the potion will disappears in 2 mins if you don’t drink it, so until you’ll have a Preservation box (with ice inside) to store it, don’t try to do tons of them, but craft it only when required :wink:

  3. Elevators and maproom could be used by all players (if the owner let them accessibles). You can use maproom to teleport to each obelisk you have attuned your bracelet, so finding the nearest obelisk in a region and attune your bracelet with it is one important task to be able one day to fast travel :slight_smile:
    The Cartographer recipe must be found, it has no level requisite, but it need you reaches Archives in Unnamed City to learn it from the archivist. Is a task you should try, usually players do it around 35-40 lvl.

  4. The dungeon resurrection option is new (I’ve never seen it before), and I think maybe is related only to newest released dungeons.

  5. build an outpost near dungeon entrance, place a bedroll and a chest with emergency gear in it. Anyway my advice is to build an outpost near of each obelisks you discover to be (when you’ll be able to build maprooms) to fast travel to them and reach easily the resource you need :wink:

  6. Sorry I’m unable to reply to your question n6 idk how this part of the game work on ps4, I play on PC where the game has a visual chat, a vocal chat and players on private servers use also discord or teamspeak for this kind of things :wink:

  7. you can check here, the "How to play guide for C.E. on gamepedia or found additional tips in topic like this one here on the forum :slightly_smiling_face:


All great stuff, thank you all! The thing with the journey step details particularly is helpful. The UI on the PS4 is… Very sketchy. It took me a stupid amount of time to figure out how to start fires with it, and I keep finding more unintentionally “hidden” things like that.

That answers most of my questions, except regarding the RP thing- what I was trying to get at is whether, if I do in fact encounter another player, it’s physically possible to talk to them via a typing-like interface whether it’s an RP server or not. I have all these gestures, but they’d be pretty limited if I actually did want to do the roleplaying thing.

The game will tell you where it is, generally. It won’t give explicit instructions on how to get inside. There are breadcrumbs though.

Unless you have a map room (or multiple) and have unlocked the obelisks

On PVP you can craft on non clan stations.

Always bring a bedroll. Have an actual bed at your house. But always bring a bedroll. If you are resource gathering, thrall hunting or spelunking a dungeon that doesn’t have the option, find a safe spot near by and place your bed roll. Always a good idea to bring a few sandstone foundations and walls as an npc can and will destroy your bedroll.

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I play xbox, but I would hope it is the same for PS. Voice/Messages are handled thru the console, not the game. If you encounter someone you wish to communicate with you should identify their nameplate and enter the player list. There you can select them and see console profile and options for communication.

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as far as respawning in dungeons, from what i can tell is the original dungeons at release do not offer respawning at the begging, and anything they have released after does.
Black Keep, Dreggs, Witch Queen, Barrow King, Frost Temple, All in game cave instances do not offer respawns at the beginning.

Beginning of dungeon respawn option is available on these:
Jhebal Sag Dungeon
Underwater City Dungeon (Dagon)
Klael’s stronghold

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There is voice communication on both consoles in game. And depending on the server settings, it determines the range at which you need to be to hear or be heard.

You can download the g-portal app, or go to the site to adjust you personal preferences settings (for a server you own or your offline server) that will always be default when the server is reset. A few if these settings will push through even if you don’t own the server . You have more sure the option is set for all game saves

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There is no in game server messaging unfortunately. The only way is to start a manual server party , or discord. Most privates have a discord to message on.

Text. There is no text. There is voice

I was referring to in game text that PC has. It allows for communication on Privates of events, etc. PS4 does not have that, so a work around is discord or having a massive group party/communtiy on PS4.

Just clarifying for the op
