Ok, stayed up way too late after reading this idea and made something of a crude mockup for how I think it could work. Please forgive the unpolished nature of the following image as I’m not good at these kinds of things but hopefully it helps illustrate the idea,
So quick breakdown of the different slots:
ALTERATION: This is basically the slot for all the existing armor modifications in the game (Armor Plating, Reinforcement Kit, Armor Reduction Kit, Armor Flexibility Kit, etc.)
ENHANCEMENT: This slot is used for the attribute bonus modifications which would be added with this system. Potentially craftable at the firebowl cauldron.
LINING: This is where you put the environmental modifications, fur or insulated lining for cold weather protection and reduced or light linings for heat protection.
My idea for this is that when you craft the armor the Enhancement and Lining slots come already filled with mods that are equivalent to how the armor currently is on live. You can’t remove modifications but you can replace and overwrite them so if you craft or find a better enhancement or lining you’ll be able to apply it over top the old ones and get the new stats instead. Same goes for the Alteration slot where you can replace the alterations you add with different or better ones down the line.
Anyways that’s about it, let me know what you guys think.