Authentication failed (after updating Hogwarts Legacy?!)

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Spellbound RP
Mods: Pippi.pak ModControlPanel.pak Emberlight.pak DungeonMasterTools.pak SlaveWarsServer.pak Savage_Steel.pak Savage_Steel_vol_II.pak Warrior_mutator_mod.pak GCam.pak GCam_60.pak immersivearmor.pak JCACC.pak JCF.pak EvilsCabinet.pak Agonys-Attic.pak LoD_MetalAndFlesh.pak GrimProductions.pak Mod_by_GrayMi.pak Beyond_Forge.pak HighmanesArsenal.pak DD.pak SvS_Extended.pak NorthernTimber.pak Asghaard_Ancient_Civilization.pak Dudes_Creative_Constructions.pak Signs_of_the_Times.pak Immersion.pak Beyond_Decor.pak Beyond_Decor_II.pak AkubaSalon.pak BarbarianBarber.pak ExilesExtreme.pak Underdark_of_Acheron.pak Tutorial.pak TestingRaceMod.pak Devious_Desires.pak ModAdmin.pak RoleplayRedux.pak TotAdmin.pak TotChat.pak TotCustom.pak UnlockableContainers.pak No_Building_Placement_Restrictions.pak

Bug Description:

Authentication Failed

Bug Reproduction:

Me, logging in and failing the Authentication. Other people can log in to my server normally.

Additional Info

I’ve updated Hogwarts Legacy the other day (had not touched that game in a while) and later on tried to connect to my private server in Conan Exiles. Authentication Failed, it said. I restarted the game, my OS, validated the game files and reinstalled Battle Eye hoping it may help, but nothing worked. I’ve read on the Internet that some people have gotten blocked from other games due to Hogwarts Legacy messing with the files somehow and fear that maybe this has happened. Not sure what to do here… Contacted support but its only about official servers… Hoping this is a bug and not a actual block and that someone has some guidance here. I’m disappointed and stumped.


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Greetings @Elvalianon,

Can you confirm you don’t have any updates pending?

Please, also try to remove your mods to see if you can access your server.

Thank you in advance!

Thank you for your reply.

My game is up to date.

I deleted the modlist and still got the same error. Other people can log into the same server normally without issues.

I did some tests and was able to connect to both a official Siptah and Exiled Lands server with a clean modlist, but not my own server.

Hahaha! Yes… First I did not want to go over 20 mods, then it got 25-30 and players just keep asking for more mods and it is hard to say no.

I think this part in the server log is about me

[2024.07.23-12.24.55:563][719]ConanSandbox:Display: User [55d379c4ab1e1d9ac7e9ca71f8e88e08] logged in from unknown country
[2024.07.23-12.24.55:563][719]LogNet: Client login from CENSORED, with ping 51
[2024.07.23-12.24.55:622][721]LogNet: Client netspeed is 25000
[2024.07.23-12.24.56:063][735]LogJson:Error: Json Value of type ‘Null’ used as a ‘Object’.
[2024.07.23-12.24.56:088][735]LogFuncomLiveServices:Error: VerifyIdentity Failed: Unable to parse 1 or more elements from CloudScriptResult
[2024.07.23-12.24.56:091][735]LogNet: Player disconnected: Unknown
[2024.07.23-12.24.56:091][735]LogNet: UChannel::Close: Sending CloseBunch. ChIndex == 0. Name: [UChannel] ChIndex: 0, Closing: 0 [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: CENSORED, Player name: Unknown

Fixed it by reinstalling the game in the end :slight_smile: Thanks for your help!

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