Authority Questions for Pets/Thralls

So, as I have been playing on a friends server for a few days now, and I keep swapping from the Single pet/thrall build to the two pet/thrall build. I haven’t been able to decide what is truly the best. Currently I am running two Brutus and sure, they don’t do as much damage in one blow, but having two seems to have more output then a single one(?). So I am wondering what is truly the betetr set up, one powerful Brutus or two. Also side note, I am working on two Saberkittens just lacking the good meat to push more of their leveling if they are better then Brutus since he often gets stunned.

The general consensus is that one is better than two, but opinions vary.


Oh right, I also forgot, what would be the best armor build as well? I tend to run 20 Vit, 20 Auth and 20 Exp as I am more or less the only gatherer. I am looking for a set that makes my pets do more damage. I am wearing the Skelos Medium set

Yeah, my friend swears the two pets are useless, But he was only running around with unleveled pets/thralls, not even greater pets or good thralls

I like the idea of having two thralls with poison gas/snake arrows. I doubt it’ll be very good, but it’s a fun idea

Fun is the most important thing really. I am just too lazy to run in and attack. Taking damage, pressing that mouse so many times, having to dodge… All effort XD


I think that having 2 thralls/pets works best if your goal is stacking status effects, and having 1 thrall is best for straight damage and efficiency. That said, I haven’t played in a while so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

2 thralls or pets really shines if you corrupt your authority
Having 2 makes it so your followers no longer get that follower dmg bonus from your skelos set
The only damage buff that comes from you they will get is the one from corrupted authority (3% dmg bonus per corrupted point)


Yeah, that was my biggest worry that my armor didn’t effect them. Ah well, just means I get to level them one at a time instead of two at a time. Cheers for the infomation. And I haven’t touched the corrupted system yet. I really should give it a go and such.

If you do try corrupted authority make sure not to corrupt all 20 points
The 20 point corrupted perk sucks hardcore
I personally run 19 corrupted with 2 thralls and they wreck everything fast
Currently leveling up 2 new Brutus to run with when I feel like mixing it up cause my Brutus and Tor that I have are from pre 3.0 and have 0 grit so they’re a tad squishy

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I like running 2 thralls when out gathering more 3 truncheons are better than 2.

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If you are the only gatherer it would be good to have two Thralls: one good T4 Fighter with most powerful weapon you have and one T3 bearer with a mace to sunder enemies for the first one. I’ve corrupted my Authority till Perk 3 by now and I like it. They are quite mad and they heal me while they make damage. My Stamina is too low but I plan to put more points into Grit.

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Beauty of this is you can swap it up depending on what you’re doing

Going gathering somewhere with weak enemies?
Bring 2 bearers
Going gathering somewhere tougher?
Bring 1 bearer and 1 tough fighter
Going to vaults or boss farming?
Bring 2 fighters

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Best is no followers since they just stand drooling unless your server is nearly empty (mine’s back to the 1-3 / 10 peak online we had prior to 3.0 thankfully). Thankfully because when we had 20+, nothing AI-related worked. Thralls could have had 1 million dps and they’d still be less useful than 1 plant fibre.

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I do not know if it is a general consensus but with the +20 perk allover, thralls are even more powerful then before. Less health maybe, but insane dmg done and dmg reduction.

I mean, show me a thrall that was reaching 1.8k armor before 3.0.

You did not mentioned going to war :stuck_out_tongue:

Cat + Archer thrall(if possible one with around 8-10k health).

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We’re talking pve is why and archers are kinda pointless there but yes it does give even more options if you include pvp combos so thank you for another example of how versatile this perk can be

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The damage output is usually the thing taken into the 2 regular thralls vs 1 great one but if you are dealing with Pets, armor armor armor. That extra 20cin grit means you pets are most likely looking at 50-75% reduction vs 20-30%.

I must admit that i have no clue when it comes to %'s, probably Wak4863 and Firespark81 would have a better knowledge around this.

I only talk from experience, gameplay experience.

Having 2 thralls/followers active, 8 out of 10 times, will not be better then having only 1. You may ask, why and how come.

Probably if we would have had a smarter AI this could have been correct, but at the moment…unfortunately…we do not have the perfect AI everyone wishes for. So those 2 thralls will not do anything else then compete on the “hit spot”. If the target is not big enough one thrall will always block the other one from doing damage. The 2nd thrall will just wait it’s turn, either that being from Thrall 1 getting knock backed or the thing u wanted to kill moves away.

In pvp 2 will always be better, numbers count there. But with pvp comes different options if u want to be competitive while using followers.

My 2 cents, you do not have to agree with me. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t have this experience in pve
My thralls always move in so they can both attack smaller targets and on bigger targets it’s even handier cause most of the time if 1 gets staggered the other doesn’t and is still attacking