And I don’t know how many times I have to remind you to read what you’re replying to. Or indeed, what you yourself wrote.
All that you wrote here is stuff that has been discussed and acknowledged, here and in other similar discussions. I’ve already agreed many times that they should make the rules clearer and more accessible, and that they should give people useful feedback when they request it
But what you want – or at least, what you keep saying you want – goes much, much beyond that, into the realm of unreasonable, and when people like me tell you that it’s unreasonable, then you resort to pointing out stuff we already said we agree to.
We’re all tired of something. For example, I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one here who’s tired of the whole “fUnCoM dOeSn’T cArE aBoUt CoMmUniTy” temper tantrum, and yet we somehow manage.
As for letting Funcom use the term, here you are:
It’s right there, at the top of the rules. They said it.
This brings to mind something you said once…