Ban/Suspension shouldnt be as easy

The author decided to stop working on it. The source code for the mod will not be released, either, so no one will be able to take over as a maintainer.

Please note I’m just stating the facts and not implying any judgment whatsoever. Every modder has the right to decide for themselves whether they want to keep maintaining the mod or not, and whether they want to hand it over to another maintainer.

I think @Cattibria was saying that without a maintainer, Pippi will eventually break in the future, but we don’t really know when. I don’t know for sure if 3.0 will break Pippi or not, but as a software developer, I know that it will eventually succumb to bit rot.

Negative for all of us who have to watch you twist his decision to stop modding to suit your own narrative.

Negative for all of us who have at some point developed something out of passion and offered it to the rest of the world for free, and can imagine ourselves having to make the decision to stop maintaining that, only to have someone use that decision to make it all about themselves and their own grudge.

Negative for all of us who know the meaning of respect and human decency.


It’s not on the forums. As far as I know, the announcement was originally posted on the Pippi Discord. I found about it indirectly through something someone said on Twitter, and then I went on Discord for a private server where I used to play and saw the announcement reposted there.

I’m not going to post it here in this thread, but feel free to search for Pippi Discord on Google.


this is a very sad.
This mod is great.


Pippi sadly will be going away. True. Majority of private servers are heavily reliant on Pippi and it will be missed tremendously. True. We will survive. Josh worked it for 5 years and is burnt out. This is fine. Thanks again to Joshtech for his amazing mod that we used. We wish him well in his future endeavors.

Other mod authors have taken the mantle of replacing Pippi. Things will be fine. 4 (and maybe more) are already working its replacement and may have some resemblances of the original by time 3.0 is released.

Most of Pippi mod will be recreated/replaced, such as Mushi script, Thespians, webhooks, commands, server management features, etc. You may lose the music box, wall paper, special doors, special spawners, but all the main features most likely will be recreated. Yes, there is concern about Mushi scripts, but if they can have that import over, then server admins can relax since that would not be lost.

Yes, kits and economy will have to be re-done on each server, but overall, we will survive this.

Also, do not blame Funcom for this either, since any game that adds things to a game (like ESO), will tend to break 3rd party programs (mods) unintentionally. The Sorcery add that many wanted, will break mods. Its the fact of programming. You cannot add new features without causing issues to mods. Not all mods will have issues, but some/many may or will have. It will happen time and time again, when there is a change to the game tables / coding. If you want the game to continue to update, grow, improve, fix, then this will occur periodically.

Now that we hijacked the Ban/Suspension shouldn’t be easy thread, my apologies but thought to say that here since there is various posts regarding Pippi.

Thank you.

Backing to the topic:

  • Players new to the game don’t even know that there’s a TOS.
  • The rules are nowhere near clear enough **
  • Not everyone speaks English.
  • Not every conan exiles player knows about the existence of the forum
  • Funcom admins are law enforcement officers, and judge, and jury, and executioner. (as Codemage said).
  • Zendesk doesn’t give us details about the infraction, so there’s no way for us to know exactly what we did wrong and try to fix it next time.
  • Zendesk doesn’t give a F if you send a counter-evidence.
  • Zendesk doesn’t make any kind of investigation (especially regarding hacks).

** “Blocking of content in the game, such as dungeons, obelisks, resources and other areas of the game.”
By this statement, game content can mean anything:

  • From a building spot, to a stone spawn.

It is entirely up to zendesk to define what can or cannot.
We can argue that “npc camps cannot be blocked but trees and stones can” but it’s just guesswork on our part.

In the end of the day they can ban you by blocking a branch spawn and it’s fine because TOS cover it.

which leads me to think that funcom is stealthly trying to shut down the official servers.

and that’s


Well…I gotta say that after a year of full enforcement, my method seems to work in that review the ToC and gain the intent of these rules. Build to the intent of the rules vs the letter.

Another way of putting it is that people have been wanting a line in the sand type of clarification and I am SMH saying why are you going in that direction to begin with? If you are going to be removed if you do something, stay as far away from that as possible. Stop asking about how close you can get and not get in trouble. The intent is very clear and can be summed up in respect of other players and the game. Do your builds do that? If not, they are probably at risk.

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Meaning what? You build small hidey holes?

Again we’ve been over this. It’s not that simple because if it was you wouldn’t see so many asking why they got banned. Are you paying attention to anyones story’s or pictures? Come on


I didn’t flag you because I prefer to have people see what others posts in order for them to see who the posters but…

  • Don’t start a topic in the wrong category.

  • Don’t cross-post the same thing in multiple topics.

Don’t divert a topic by changing it midstream

Just saying.


I know some flags are well intended but others are certainly questionable. It reminds me a bit of the current problem with officials. Don’t like someone or what they say? Flag them or report them because it’s the easy way out.


It can be that simple if you just avoid the grey areas of the ToC. Doesn’t have to be a hidey hole but I will tell you that PVP realities mean that it’s probably a hidey hole…but I have areas that I can get all of the large benches in that are completely hidden from view and in the normal play area with no disruption to any respawns or POI’s. Most of them are not on youtube (that I know of) and that is probably why I very rarely get raided. Now if you did find them, yeah no doubt you could breath on them and they would fall over but that is the way of the hidden. You remove armor to gain invisibility.

sry bro but my reply is strictly related to this topic.
and unfortunately my topic regarding my concers was blocked and unlisted, so i don’t have anywhere else to talk about this things.
Please, don’t flag it again. i’m just trying to be heard for the sake of our community.
i’m not being a jerk or anything like this.


oooh sry. lol i misread it hahahaah ^^

I mean just listen to what you say here… what are the grey areas? How do we avoid them? Why are there grey areas to begin with?

You are forgetting the fact that the majority of bans are coming from duos to full clans. Building a hidden spot is not realistic at all not to mention the only reason you think you are doing ok with regards is because no one finds you and if they do they probably just offline you. So why would anyone bother reporting you? This isn’t fixing or abiding by the tos it’s just avoiding it all together.


I am constantly reviewing and redoing things and adjusting to ensure the server is supported with my builds. When I notice an addition that I make despawns a critter, I retract the addition and do something else. Yes that has a lot to do with self-preservation as well but there is a lot of thought and redesigning that goes on. There is an active thought towards other players and the content in the server with design. Maybe you’re right and it’s because I primarily do hidden bases but it may not be just because I’m not found but because hidden bases really force you to take into consideration the other players that are in sync with the ToC…much more than other types which is repeating several defensive strategies to maximize the amount of bombs arrows or gods needed.

Unfortunately you can’t avoid grey areas of TOS.

** “Blocking of content in the game, such as dungeons, obelisks, resources and other areas of the game.”

It states that blocking CONTENT in the game/ other areas of the game it can mean anything.
So if you put a block or a bench on the ground, you are already blocking an area. And they can judge it the way they want to.


when this issue hits streamers (which will do with 3.0 launch), funcom will feel the pain.
We as common people, common costumer, we don’t have much voice.

I talked to some medium-big streamers or to people related to them, and i was told that some of them are thinking of playing the game on 3.0 release on pvp servers.

Are there any streamers who have not commented on the fact that the system of reports is simply used as another weapon? And cheaters remain, and feel even better, because now they can report buildings, and they do not even need to raid.

They certainly could if they wanted to. Would you like to explain why they would want to?

EDIT: Since I’m not sure my question will get my point across, I’ll be blunt. If you think any Funcom admin will ban you for nothing more than putting a block or a bench on the ground, then you’re assuming malice. Not incompetence, but malice.

Let’s face it: that’s utterly ridiculous. There is absolutely no motivation for a Funcom admin to be malicious towards players.

And before some connoisseur of tinfoil headgear chimes in, no, they don’t need to do any of this idiotic conspiracy-theory shіt people spout here in order to shut down the official servers, because they can just shut them down. In fact, they can decide to pull the plug on the whole freaking game tomorrow and there’s nothing anyone here could do to them. Get it through your thick skulls, Funcom owns this game and they don’t need to tiptoe around your feelings if they want to pull the plug on the servers.

So exactly why would you think they’ll ever block anyone for putting down a block or a bench?


For the same reason they will ban you if you have 8 foundations with torches on them lighting a way along a path, as we seen in Funcoms explanation by Umborls.

Its land claim.
