Other can learn from his example. Also, some people opt to get a new account after getting banned.
There’s always something to learn.
Other can learn from his example. Also, some people opt to get a new account after getting banned.
There’s always something to learn.
When we were admin wiped we deleted every thrall and horse not to inconvenience the rest of the server. There was 0 remnant of us left.
This is his third offence. 1st he was with me when we were banned for 3 days because we allowed a new clan member to continue to build in a ToC breaking spot. Despite our conversations with him he refused and it is ultimately my fault as the clan leader for not acting. This was at the time before building pieces could be picked up. It was a tough situation as I would have had to spend hours before or after removing him to resolve this issue plus be respectful enough as a human to refund him his mats. Also on another server completely. I understand why we were admin wiped at that place and banned. I accept it and learned from it.
The second was a 14-day and was what prompted me to come here and join the discussion. While we’d been fully aware of the report meta we had not experienced it first hand as we thought we understood the rules. We keenly kept an eye here, listened to others in the community and respected the server we were on in regard to server performance. I still maintain that our ban at that time in late June was a mistake according to the ToC. Even the people that reported us (currently one in this discussion) have maintained that we were not deserving of a ban but that they do so to show the community that it is literally just that easy to report and remove.
This third offence does not align with what would be understood under ToC. At all even with it’s vague wording. He’s gone through the appealing process as indicated in ToC and the forums.
We did as many others. You have to wonder though, in purchasing an alt who does this benefit? My main account is tainted. 1 more report and I’m permabanned. It has all the DLCs and 4k hours. It’s currently sitting there looking pretty and expensive.
If you want an honest answer, it’s “no one”. It doesn’t benefit the player, obviously, but it doesn’t benefit Funcom, either. If it’s happening on a small scale, then it’s a drop in the ocean. If it’s happening on a large scale, then the damage to reputation is not worth the additional revenue. So if you’re implying that this is deliberate behavior from Funcom, then I can’t agree with you.
And to be perfectly clear, I was replying in a specific context, which was Palm’s claim that there’s “nothing to learn” from a permaban. I wasn’t extolling the virtues of buying alts.
Even for people who think buying an alt after a permaban is worth it – and I’m not one of those – the problem of not knowing why they were permabanned in the first place remains an important obstacle. “We can’t share the details” is not a good way to handle requests for information, no matter what angle you look from.
still cant understand, if the second report was due to a building offence, how come he got banned on the same server (according to what kiki said) when his structures got wiped? on first offence, once wiped, there is no remaining buildings offence to act upon, as it got wiped with the first ban , or am i missing something?
Hmm if he is who i think he is, we reported him twice, well, their whole clan.
the first time they had a humble exterior wall, not bannable if you ask me. because they had important buildings in there like some meta temples.
i will share some screenshots, try to censor a little so funcom don’t delete my message.
Then, a few day after the devwipe (you can check the date)
if i already think that wasn’t bannable, check this:
Same spot, same clan with a different name.
in blue, thats the main base, all the the T1 you can see in the picture was only there for 2 HOURS.
We keenly kept an eye here, listened to others in the community and respected the server we were on in regard to server performance.
remember when we first arrived to the server? i remember one of us, i think it was barcode who warned you about your base, but some of you said that you guys spoked with an admin and it was fine.
Well, we knew, because we were returning from a long break after we got devwiped on a latam server for the same reason that lead me to create this thread 7 months ago.
but we knew that funcom was banning for having a base, we got devwiped again even when this time we made our base smaller. and the rest is history.
someone also reported us and got us devwiped on that server and lead me to report back. like i said many times, i accept any punishment for “false reports” as long as the people who falsely reported us is punished as well but you don’t have to worry about reports if on top of that a hacker comes and wipes you like it happened to us like 4 days ago.
The state of officials is unplayable. Reports and hackers are destroying everything.
i think it was barcode who warned you about your base
It was barcode. He also said that we’d claimed the entire map and all the meta spots which was untrue. I think he had us confused with other clans. We had our main base at keyhole, a smaller base we were working on and considering moving to near Black Galleon and maprooms near various obs, not even all as a few other clans took care of that we didn’t see the point and putting 1 at every ob. I never said that we spoke to an admin, I said that we were part of discussions here and clarified what Umborls had written in this post.
Hmm if he is who i think he is, we reported him twice, well, their whole clan.
This is different. It was in reference to the first report and devwipe. That account is permabanned.
It was barcode. He also said that we’d claimed the entire map and all the meta spots which was untrue.
ah, well at the moment we believed that it was an UN (united nations) and all clans were allied.
it would not be the first time that we faced multiple clans that do this, they claim the map with secondary clans that are allied with the “alpha”.
and let me tell you, it did seemed that you guys were all playing togheter due to the combined attacks you did with unhinhed and… Lin kuie?, and the clan where im new was, and also, jack clan but i don’t think he was with u guys, but the fun was constant in our base. so in our eyes everyone was the enemy.
in other server we managed to prove that they were all allied and they got key spots AND resources (brimstone and foals). so thats why barcode said that you had the entire map we always assume that everyone is allied with each other.
While i don’t know if that was true in this case, i can say that u guys had bases and claims around the entire map, wheels, map rooms, and even a secondary base near sinkhole the so called “unradiable base”
but i didn’t mention it until now because i didn’t think that it was bannable.
because if they do start banning for that kind of claims, and even more with the next update and private TP networks…
oh boy… the bans were going to anhilate everyone. if a hacker doesn’t do it first.
Agreements with some of the clans regarding maprooms for sure. Sometimes we’d trade with them. But if you also recall people talked a lot in global so it attracted everyone and their grandmas.
There were no jumping from clan to clan or people listening to us or us listening to them for that matter. Just keep in mind allies are permitted in the game.
I think we’re alike in the sense of that we like good content, fights and raids. If we made friends with everyone we’d have no one to fight or raid and sometimes there’s tactical decisions especially when you consider health of a server for population.
There were no jumping from clan to clan or people listening to us or us listening to them for that matter. Just keep in mind allies are permitted in the game.
oh i am not saying that i have an issue with allies per se
only was pointing out that, on all the servers we fought, combating multiple clans can lead to the situation of having the entire map claimed and we have this prejudge on every server we invade.
I think we’re alike in the sense of that we like good content, fights and raids. If we made friends with everyone
oh the difference is that we have a different playstyle, when we invade we don’t enter with the premise of “lets make friends” its the opposite. we do not care about the server population, we do not care if you have a t1, if you have something useful we will raid you and send you to the desert if you let us.
until we get bored and move to the next.
we understand this game as one of savagery and barbarism.
so its natural that the entire server attacks us in response, is exactly what we want.
of course this playstyle makes you a lot of enemies,hell i bet many friendships were created because we are the common enemy usually. but i can safely say that in a ratio of 18 enemies, we found a friend, sometimes we recruit them and we play togheter. there are many people with mindset alike us.
so is not casual that we have many people in our clan. we like being the bad guys. and we are always prepared when bad things happen to us because BAD THINGS IN THIS GAME WILL HAPPEN. the key is know how to deal with the frustration.
we can be many things, but cheaters never.
like i said, we always try to adapt to the new rules or new meta, we make a lot of effort to be able to keep playing the game we love.
but when you sum up the issue of being banned for having a base to the current hacker problem
if it is enough to discourage a clan like us to stop playing who knows how to deal with frustration and is experienced in dealing with all sorts of exploiters and rule breaking enemies.
i cannot imagine how would be for the new player who wants to play official, gets their base deleted not because someone else played better, but rather that it was either a report or a hacker.
if we get wiped because we got defeated in game, i would have 0 issue and it would be totally deserved for not playing correctly learn from mistakes and keep trying. but if it because a random report or a kid with hacks… then is just discouraging.
we are not going to play until the patch drops because even with all the problems we are willing to give this game another chance, but if something is not done with both of these problems, im afraid that we would have to search for another game.
good day, i have nothing else to say.
Hello there.
I want to join this topic.
Yesterday (26-07-2022) the admin of an official conan exiles server completely deleted my base.
Today (2022-07-27) me and my entire clan were banned for “abusive build”, 3 days after some players entered the server and started cursing us.
A simple base made at the great dam (one of the smallest pvp spots in the game).
*** Even infinitely smaller than the bases they show in their advertisements.
I don’t have anyone to turn to, because when I log into zendesk the answer is always the same (we can’t give more details and we won’t lift the ban or return anything).
Please funcom, be consistent. you are dealing with consumers. There are hours and more hours spent in a game for everything to be lost in a senseless way.
Codemage (a user from this forum) said that it’s possible that we got banned because of a small simple npc camp (with 3) behind our base that i THINK we blocked.
It’s getting ridiculous
and we don’t even have a proper reference to this rules inside the game.
Don’t even mind . They will not read/answer anything. Probably lock the topic,ban you and move to another one.
They’re too full of themselves to even bother to read the forums of their own comunity. They said there will be no wipe, but they’re wiping and baning their players for ANY reason at all. 3 npcs, 1 learning point, 2 fence foundations placed together… and they have the audacity to state that players are responsable for the health of a service they bought from G-Portal.
Let’s see how customers will react to 3.0 Mage Ban Meta, now that RP/PVP/PVE private servers won’t have Pippi to carry their dead game.
fun fact: The All Known hacker ‘‘Lilith’’ still bothering american servers with his undetectable script . Are we responsable for that too funcom? (:
Codemage (a user from this forum) said that it’s possible that we got banned because of a small simple npc camp (with 3) behind our base that i THINK we blocked.
Oh, for Mitra’s sake. Yeah, you said you blocked it and I pointed out that you shouldn’t have done that. And now we’re at “I don’t even remember if we blocked it or not” and “this is getting ridiculous” and “it doesn’t say that anywhere in the rules” and “by that logic we can’t block stone and wood” and “why can’t you just make this a no-build zone” – anything and everything except “huh, whaddaya know, maybe I shouldn’t block NPC camps”.
And I’m waiting for even one of the “ban is the new meta” brigade to come out and say something for once about how sometimes people do break the rules and should accept some responsibility for it. But I guess the new way is “pick a side and stick to it no matter what”.
Let’s see how customers will react to 3.0 Mage Ban Meta, now that RP/PVP/PVE private servers won’t have Pippi to carry their dead game.
I was wondering how long it would be before someone decided to use that announcement to push their own agenda. You people really have no shame, do you?
And I’m waiting for even one of the “ban is the new meta” brigade to come out and say something for once about how sometimes people do break the rules and should accept some responsibility for it.
I have. Because it is true that the ToC’s aim is to improve servers and HAS improved servers. There have been rightful bans and there continues to be situations that warrant enforcement.
That does not negate that issues we’ve been talking about.
Codemage (a user from this forum) said that it’s possible that we got banned because of a small simple npc camp (with 3) behind our base that i THINK we blocked.
Hmm i think that in your case the piramid and the vault got you banned.
and i would not build that structure you have with 2 drawbridges each side, i believe you had some temples in there?
But this is with the information i currently have from my experience.
i think that the dam should only be builded where the game structure ends on the keyhole.
maybe a little exterior wall like you had there but not much more than a 16x16 or a 8x8.
as you can imagine you cannot fit much there but this is how small your base should be according to funcom, from my experience.
its out of control.
you like to argue for the sake of arguing. just to be the opposite.
Funcom asked us to have common sense, and they ban us for blocking the spawn of 3 normal npcs or even tree and stone spawn???
I have asked there in the other thread. what official server do you play on. I would like to go to him to learn how I should do it, since apparently you know.
My entire clan tried to follow every rule possible and as I said:
“Blocking of content in the game, such as dungeons, obelisks, resources and other areas of the game.”
They explicitly mention features, but they don’t talk about thralls.
Do you see? we must have good sense, but they don’t?
of course there are a lot of situations that bans were applicable, but a lot of them aren’t.
You’ve been here for years , always sided with them even when they are clearly against their community… The best part of it is that we don’t need to state a word to evidence they are making bad decisions. you’ll see the results soon enough.
Yes, I did edit some posts. Please leave Pippi and its developer out of negative comments in the discussions. If you have nothing good to say, then do not say it.
Mind posting the ToC part that does not allow me to talk about modders please?
If you are going to mention them in a negative way, please don’t. A large group of people is upset over the sudden departure of an excellent modder and the loss of a fantastic mod due to some unknown future update to the game.
Negative? Negative for who? I am indeed very thankful for him, he fixed a lot stuff and implemented a lot of features that Funcom didn’t give too much attention even with a lot of topics asking for those features he implemented.
Learn to take negative feedback dude.
Start a new thread if you want to get it closed.