Game mode: [ Select one: (Online official ]
Type of issue: [ Select one: Other ]
Server type: [ Select one: PvP ]
Region: [ Europe ]
Hardware: [ PS5 ]
Bug Description:
Hello dear funcom team! my friends and I were playing PVP on the official server 8009. we are five players and have been playing there for 4 weeks without any problems worth mentioning. there were fights here and there, just like pvp. there was a new group of three players who attacked us every day, no problem, it’s pvp! so we took them on and killed them and attacked their buildings like pvp is. everything so far so good. now to the problem, our whole base is gone, we are banned. all five players and we don’t know why or for how long. yesterday the opponent wrote me that we were banned because he reported us. Now I’m wondering, he’s playing on a pvp server, attacks us and because he doesn’t stand a chance against us, he reports to us and you from funcom also support something like that?? pvp is pvp the problem does not only affect us, but the same thing happened to the other two big clans, the whole base was gone and players were banned
Steps to Reproduce:
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
- Try to log in
- Doesnt work cause banned
- (etc)