Base movement option-caravans

Now that crafters are thralls vs inventory items, we need the ability to caravan better.

I suggest that there needs to be a special follower effect called caravan. This would be placed on camels, rhinos, and elephants as a status effect. What it would do is allow you to link your active thralls to follow this unit and therefore you can move your base accordingly with these thralls following your active follower as you exodus one location and head towards another.

For PVE, this means you could actively maintain a nomadic life of Romani-stylings and living in tents. Moving from location to location across the map.

For PVP, you can keep mobile however at the risk of higher exposure of attack.


We would need a cart that would be slow but could hold a lot of things to be able to relocate when we wanted to change location :smiley:

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The construction hammer disassembler mode, warparty, and a few camels, caravan rhino/elephants, pretty much already does this. Its a method I’ve used a few times.

But with crafters no longer being inventory items, it’s lots of trips back and forth as you take them in pairs.

Strip them naked (and let’s not pretend many people already won’t), go to the new location, then use the Thrall Rescue?

Of course, they’d need to reduce the cooldown timer between rescues for this to be a viable option.

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Ya 1 hour and bugged restarts from being “in combat” in the middle of a fortified base with no attacks having happened would definitely have to change.


This is happening to me now on pve. :unamused: I haven’t fought anything in hours.

I think it’s a great idea @erjoh, I wouldn’t care if they just walked moving thralls period is a pain.


Clan only used the new purge for thrall fodder - they were basically bodies to hamper raiders. We’d set up a temp transpo stone from purge to main and respec to bring 2 at a time. It was the quickest way we could think of.

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I was just commenting elsewhere that we should get a special Thrall Cart for moving crafter thralls - no fighters/archers/bearers, but perhaps at best there can be a slot for one or two to be moving with but “guarding” the cart to attack any creatures that attack, and won’t leave the cart area. It should require a horse or riding animal to pull, and you have ride that animal to pull it. As I said there, model it after the carts seen in the Princess Bride when they’re clearing out the Thieves Forest or something. Make it fit like 15-20 thralls. If you have a clan of mulitple people, it is a fast move of all those thralls and the carts can be left until your ready to put down the thralls. If it is solo, it makes planning a base move more complicated, but only a bit more than a typical resource move.


Think about people traveling with all thralls in cart near your base…

Now think about 2 or 3 guys with 3 carts full LOL

We have the teleport rescue they just need lower the time or remove cooldown…

Or if they add a cart they need to make sure thralls dont apper in the cart.

Was hoping it wouldn’t be your exact thralls, just some asset that looks like a cart full of people, but perhaps that still would be laggy.

:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles pve pc xbox ps4 @Community

No brasil isso se chama “Carro de boi” e sim deveria ter uma carroça com boi que leva toda a base com espaço ilimitado e a carroça segue nosso personagem.

O NPC que irá conduzir a carroça poderia fazer o movimento ao lado da base quando estiver desmontando ela ou fazendo novamente com apenas uma animação.

A funcom vai lançar DUNE com esse mesmo recurso para poder mudar a base de lugar eles não fazem no conan por que não querem fazer mesmo

Vantagem de ter essa nova interação se a funcom fizer que será desafiado fazer mudança pvp pve-c

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